Bad luck

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I wake up take a bath, brush my teeth and change for school. I walk downstairs greeted by Jenna giving me a pointed look and then Tyler and Matt looking very much hung over on the couch.

I raise my hands in mock innocence as i descend the steps. "I promise you they slept in the guest room and i am very much hung over free." I assure making sure that I don't get in trouble. They actually did sleep in the guest room.

Fuck was it hard to get Matt off the roof but we did it... somehow.

I walk over to Tyler and Matt helping them both up from the couch and they let out pained groans.

I take off my sunglasses waving it around. "Only one pair so one of you could use it.."

Matt reaches for it and i pull it back. "Really Em.." he groans. You think i was going to miss an opportunity to mess with them?

I hand it to Matt."Well.. we need to leave I'll drive. bye Jenna.." i call out leading both Tyler and Matt out.

"Be good please Emily no smart ass comments.." she calls out. What did she mean.

" I'm always good." I call back earning a scoff from Matt. Um.. don't even.

He lets out a groan as i pull the shades off his face. Don't mess with me Donovan.


"I'm not saying don't date the guy. I'm just saying take it slow." Bonnie urges. Why was she suddenly so against it.

I was hanging out with Bonnie and Elena right now outside the school.

"Weren't you the one who told her to go for it?" I stop. She shoots  me a not helping look which i shrug at.

"Now I'm saying take it slow."

Elena furrows her eyebrows at her. "Why the about-face?" She asks.

"It's not an about-face." Bonnie defends. "You're single for the first time in your entire high school career. It's the perfect time to play the field."

Elena rolls her eyes before giving Bonnie a questioning look. "Oh, because I'm so that girl." My sister with the sarcasm. Look at me being a bad influence.

Honestly I agreed with Bonnie Stefan gave me some weird ass vibes and so did his brother, but I also feel like Stefan's a good person.

"Seriously, what are you not saying?" I throw my hands up turning to her. "It's stupid." She dismissed which i let out an annoyed groan at.

"Bonnie..." Elena trails urging her to go on.


"Spit it out." I demand with a glare.

She lets out a hopeful sigh before beginning talking. "I accidentally touched Stefan. And I got a really bad feeling." She blurts and my breath catches.

What the fuck.

"Are you okay?" Elena furrows her brows at me taking her attention off of Bonnie. I flinch a little as she places her hand on my shoulder and she quickly retracts it as she sees my reaction. I turn back to Bonnie a little shaken up. "You got a feeling.." I trail and she lets out a sigh before giving a dismissive wave.

"I know it's stupid okay." She defends and i shake my head. "No uh.... like a cold breeze almost like.... death?" I ask and she freezes for a second.

Emily Gilbert- the supernatural sister ( tvd fancficWhere stories live. Discover now