Chapter One

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Welcome my friends to Part 2 of " The Promise Series." Can and Sanem had both gone there separate ways, but neither had separated from their hearts. A tragic accident had left Sanem injured, but as hard as she tried, she couldn't forget about the man she loved. Can had traveled to another country to start his life over again, but the memory of her was trapped in his heart, as he was consumed with the thought of her....Now he was back home, ready to reclaim what was his. Sanem had welcomed him with an open heart....

Chapter One..

He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing, she was there, just as before. As he walked toward her she turned to look at him, she smiled, " Can, I've been waiting for you. Hope you don't mind" She looked like an angel as he slowly sat down in front of her on the grass, " Not at all, welcome, have you been waiting long." He asked, not taking his eyes off of her. She shifted her eyes away, almost embarrassed at the reply, " No not long, just about 4 hours." Her voice low and sounding unsure. He smiled slightly, " I'm glad you came, and I'm glad you waited. Is there something you want to tell me." He asked, begging her with his eyes. " Yes there is, first of all I'm glad you're home and second, I think we should take things very slow. I want to get to know you again." She looked into his eyes, she could always tell what he was thinking through his eyes. 

He wasn't sure if he could take it slow. This overwhelming desire to cover her body with his, to taste her lips as he had many times before, to touch her skin and let it soothe his heart, all of that was almost more than he could bear. " Why Sanem, I remember everything about you, I still feel all those feelings that I had before, I still need to touch you, see you. I don't need to get to know you again." His voice dripping with emotion and his eyes filled with tears....Sanem smiled slightly, " Can there has been a huge change in my life, all those things I took for granted were challenged when I had my accident. It took me a long time to get used to my life as it is now. The cane may be something that I never get rid of, and this scar on my face is a constant reminder of that day." Can looked away, not wanting to see the hurt that was still so visible in her eyes. She touched his arm, " Can, I want to try and get back what we had, but Im a different person now. I hope you can respect that." 

All those things were ringing in his head as she spoke, " Different, changed, those were words he didn't want to hear. She was his Sanem, a woman that had made him whole again. He wanted that woman, the one that made him feel, the one that set his heart on fire with a desire, the woman that saved him from a life of loneliness. She was right there in front of him, at least in human form, but she trying to tell him that her feelings for him had changed. He stood quickly, and walked a short distance away, " So, are you saying that maybe you don't have the same feelings for me as before. Is it your doctor friend that has influenced your thoughts about me."He turned to look at her, his eyes rimmed with tears and his face full of hurt, " I know he asked you to marry him, and I know you must have refused his offer or you wouldn't be here now. But I don't understand why you feel we need to get to know each other again." He moved closer to her, close enough that she could almost feel his heart beat, " You did refuse his offer didn't you." He asked, his voice nothing more than a whisper.

She raised her eyes to meet his, she looked into those eyes that had always captivated her, those eyes that always left her weak, those eyes that always left her wanting more, " Yes Can, I refused  Omer's proposal. There was never a question about that, I was not in love with him."  she spoke with a firm voice. She smiled, but just slightly and shifted her eyes away, " Theres only one love in my heart Can, and I think you know that."  Those words made him feel as light as a feather, those were the words he had been waiting to hear. " But that doesn't mean I want to jump right back into our relationship where we left off. There were so many things we did wrong Can, that we have to fix them before we can move on."  She spoke as she gently touched his face.

Just that slight touch from her had set his heart on fire. " Ok, I get it, so we will take our time, rebuild what we had. I know I hurt you in more ways than one. I did the one thing I told you I wouldn't do and that was not listen to you, I didn't give you a chance to explain or even talk for that matter, and for that I'm sorry. I promise, I have regretted every word that I spoke to you that night." He pulled her close to him, resting his forehead on hers, " Believe me, I have had plenty of time to relive every minute of that night and all the things I said. That kept me up most every night, just thinking about you and how stupid I was." He kept her close to him as he drew in the smell from her that he had missed so much.

She felt him, this man that made her doubt her own reasoning, this man that stirred her soul to the point of no control, this man she loved more than herself, but this time she wanted it to be different. She wanted him to understand her, she wanted him to know the reasons she did the things she did. He had to know how scared she was when Fabri tricked him into assaulting him, then had him put in jail and it was all because of her. She just knew she had to do something about it and if giving up her perfume to him would fix it, then that was she would do...But her mistake was not telling him about it. "Can, I have made many mistakes in our relationship, most were to help you, to save you from the problems that tormented you throughout your life. Those mistakes I will not apologize for, but the keeping of things from you to protect you I will apologize for. I should have been honest with you up front about the contract with Fabri, and I did try to tell you, but things always got in the way."  She moved away from him slowly, but kept her eyes locked with his. She spoke softly, " Can, everything I did, I did because I love you...and I would do them all again if I had to." 

He could tell this Sanem was much in control of her life and her feelings, as he watched her explain. She was more mature and sure of herself, and he couldn't have loved her more at that point.....his feelings for her were would never change, never weaken, never mean less to him than right now, this moment......He loved her

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