Chapter Fourteen

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They had made short work of the files, with them both to get her it hadn't taken more than an hour. Sanem called the courier and sent the needed files on their way to the courthouse. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, she could feel the body start to relax, but Metin starlted her as he walked in her office, " See we make a great team, we got through those files in no time." She sat up quickly, giving him a quick smile. " Yes we do, but I could have done it myself and you wouldn't have had to reschedule your meeting. But I do appreciate your help." Metin bowed, as of she were royalty, " Of course my lady." He replied, making light of her comment. " You do a lot to help me, so I'm just returning the favor. Here have another piece of pizza." He offered, shoving the pizza box across her desk to her. She held up her hand, " Oh no thanks, I have had plenty, besides Can is planning a surprise for me for this evening and I know it will involve food, so I should leave room for that, I know it's going to be great." She announced, her face illuminated so brightly it took his breath away. Metin smiled, but that sinking feeling moved over him. 

Can had instructed his friend to pull out all the stops, this night needed to be special. It wasn't  so much about the food, but he did have a delicious dish prepared for them, but it was more about the ambiance. He wanted the hut to be transformed into the place that held her dreams, a place she had always wanted to go but was only accessible in her thoughts. This was their place, their first realm of togetherness had taken place there. Everything that meant anything to him had started in that hut, so it was only fitting that he bring her here to make her feel it all over again. The lights, the flowers, the wind chimes, it was all for them. And with the soft music playing the background, the music that had dances to before, it was perfection. Now just to make sure Metin doesn't have some other excuse to spoil this evening.

Metin was staring out his window, he had a perfect view of the coast from his office. He always did his best thinking there. So he knew he couldn't come up with a work excuse for this evening, not this time, Can would know what he was doing. He would just have to let this happen, and pray that Sanem would not be blinded by Cans charm. She had told him they were taking it slow, so he would trust that. The knock on his door brought him out of his thoughts, " Come, the doors open." He called out as Sanem slowly opened the door. "Metin, it almost 5:00, if you don't mind I am going to the lobby to meet Can." She spoke as she placed a file on his desk. " This the file for your first meeting tomorrow, and this one is for your court date in the afternoon. The day is kind of light, so maybe you can get caught up." She announced, wishing he could take some time for himself. She never heard him mention a woman, or anyone he might be interested in. Metin was a very handsome man and she wondered why there were not a hundred women lines up trying to get his attention. She smiled, " Or better still why don't you take the rest of the day off after court and go have some fun. Call a friend and go out, go to the beach or to dinner." She pleaded. He nodded, " That would be nice, but it's hard to find someone you want to spend time with." 

Metin was still on her mind as she waited for Can at the door. Her phone pinged with the alert of a text from Can, " I'm 5 minutes away, are you ready." it read. She smiled and returned the text, " I'm ready and waiting at the door"..... Her heart skipped a beat just thinking about him, she wished that Metin could find someone that would make his heart skip a beat. But she wouldn't let herself get involved with that, he was a friend but more than that he was her boss, better to just let him figure it out on his own. Within minutes Can's truck whipped up in front of the building, Can jumped out and hurried around to open her door for her. The gesture surprised her, that wasn't his usual style but she liked it...

Can helped her into the truck, he smiled leaning in to help with her seatbelt, " I missed you today, I hope you and Metin got everything taken care of." His asked, his face brushing past hers, so close it gave her a chill. He hesitated briefly, letting that smell that was so distinctively hers engulf him, then gently kissed her cheek, so close to her lips it made her gasp. His eyes locked with hers for a second then turned away. Her head was swimming, the only thing she could think of was the day at the printing shop when he helped her with her seat belt then, and he produced the same insane fever inside her now as he did then..This wasn't going to be an uneventful night, she could tell, he had already set the pace for what was to come. If she knew Can Divit, he had already thought of everything..he was definitely full of charm and willing to spare no expense to show Samem how much he still loved her. 

Sanem had no idea what he had planned, so she was ready for anything. The drive to the hut from the inner city was at least 30 minutes, so she had plenty of time to visualize this surprise he was telling her about. The glimmer in his eyes told her that he was very proud of what he had done, so she was sure it would be fantastic. As they drove up the long driveway to the cabin, his excitement grew, " Babe, close your eyes, I want it all to be a surprise." She closed them, smiling at his enthusiasm, " But I won't be able to walk to the cabin." She protested, but willing to play along with his game. He came around to help her for the truck, " Here I'll lead you there, and don't worry I won't let you fall." His words sounding so safe and sincere. The sense of smell was the first thing she realized, the food smelled fabulous and she wondered if he cooked it himself. Then she heard the soft tinkling sound of the wind chimes, that relaxing harmonic sound that made her smile. He stopped her, leaned in and kissed her cheek "Stay here, and don't open your eyes, I mean it, no peeking." He ordered, slidding his hands slowly and intently down her bare arms. " Ok, I promise." She waited, her excitement bubbling over. Then she heard the soft music from his record player, the same song they had danced to before, her stomach fluttered. How could this man make her feel this way with nothing more than sounds?..

"Ok, you can open"....He announced, his voice low but full of passion.

She opened her eyes, but she wasn't able to take everything in at once, looking around, blinking her eyes she could see the vast array of flowers sitting, hanging, and draped everywhere. The lights, there seemed to be a thousand at least wound through the entire garden. A table covered in the most beautiful lace she had ever seen and candles lining the walkway. 

" Can, what have you done"........She asked, as the tears lined her eyes..

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