Chapter Sixteen

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The evening was winding down, but the excitement of their new found commitments had both of them still glowing. They had snuggled up in the pile of pillows that Can had  thrown on the ground, enjoying the music as it played. Can was still a bit shocked that Sanem had confessed her true feelings for him so soon. He was ready and armed with more than just this one night to make her his again. Sanem was usually stubborn about these things, if she was convinced to take it slow than that's what she was going to do. She turned to look at him, "So what do you do now, how do we let everyone know we are together again." She asked, running her fingers through his beard. That was a gesture that he had missed, more than he even realized, but he welcomed it with an open heart. " Well, I think maybe we should take to your parents first. I know they are probably pretty upset with me, so I need to go to them soon and have a talk." He told her. She smiled, " Ok, then what, I guess we will wait until Leyla and Emre are back from their honeymoon to tell them. But what about the agency, CeyCey, Deren, I think we should go for a visit." She expressed, here eyes dancing. 

Can nodded, " Yes I agree, maybe tomorrow, I'll pick you up for lunch and we will pay them a visit." She leaned over, kissing him on the cheek, " Oh, CeyCey's going to be so excited."  The thought of it making her giggle. She hadn't seen as much of her friend lately as she would have liked. They had met a few times outside of the agency for dinner, but it always ended with CeyCey begging her to return to the agency to work. She had only gone to the agency once in all these months, and that had been a near travesty, she wasn't able to run away fast enough before the devastation of her broken heart came boiling out. But now they would return together, a couple that had found each other again. She loved the way that sounded, a couple, she hoped that her parents would be a open to the thought of it as she was. After all it was her life, and she had suffered tremendously through the last year of it and he is what made her happy.

The drive home was sweeter than before, maybe just because she had finally taken a stand, she had finally listened to her heart, let it guide her to the place she had dreamed about the past year. He looked her way and smiled, " I hope I don't have to do this very much longer, I'm ready to set off on our journey of life together."  Sanem wanted that too, but there was the task of convincing her parents that Can was still that same good-hearted, well-mannered guy that they had both fell in love with before. They stopped in front of her door, the feeling of leaving each other if only for a night, was almost more than they could bear. He held onto her hand as if his heart would stop beating if he let it go, " Sanem, I will call your mother tomorrow and ask to speak with them, I know it won't be easy but I will convince them how much I love you. I know I made mistakes, but I have learned from them. All I need and want is you." He raised her hand to his lips, kissing it gently. She agreed, knowing it would be better for those words to come from Can then from her. 

This all seemed like a fairytale dream come true, her prince had returned and swept her off her feet....again. This time things would be different, she would never hide anything from him again, she had already promised herself that, and this time she would stand strong beside him and not allow the advances from all those other women drive a wedge between them. He was hers, and no one could take him away, of that she was sure. They made plans for the next day, a lunch date and a trip to the agency, " Sanem, don't tell Metin we have reconciled, I plan on talking to him myself. There are some other things we need to discuss as well." He started, getting a serious look in his eyes.  Sanem nodded, agreeing to let Can be the one to tell Metin, but happy that Can was willing to put the past behind them and rebuild their friendship. She knew had hard it had been on Can since his split with Metin. Metins betrayal had been something that Can never thought would happen, even with Cans rigid way of thinking, he thought Metin would always honored his wishes.

The final hug and then she was out the door. He watched her as she unlocked the door, she turned and gave him a wave. He smiled, waving back and then he slowly pulled away, feeling that longing for her take root deep inside him. He knew what he had to do, but doing it was not going to be easy. Mevkibe had always thought so highly of him, had always considered him as a perfect gentlemen, and without even knowing it, she shaped Can and Sanem into a couple before it even happened. She had these ideas from the first day she met him, and asked Sanem about it. Sanems answer and denial did nothing more than make Mevkibe believe she was right. Can knew he had to face them, and the sooner the better. He would call the next morning, he didn't want to wait a another minute. But as far as Metin was concerned, he  would be the toughest one to talk to. If his thoughts were correct, this talk will seal their relationship forever. 

Sanem had expected her mother to be waiting for her, even though it was quite late. But the house was dark and quiet. She shut the door to her room, feeling the warmth spread through her from his arms that had surrounded her earlier. She slipped out of her dress and into her pajamas still in a daze, reliving each moment of their special evening. She did it, she made her decision with her heart, a heart that was full of love for Can Divit. She wouldn't deny it anymore, that's was no use to even try. She closed her eyes, knowing she probably wouldn't sleep tonight,  and praying that her Mom and Dad would see how happy they were. "They have to know that he's the only one for me, she thought, they have to see how he feels about me." A little twinge of fear stirred deep down inside her stomach as she thought about it and how he would tell them. 

" Ok my dear, what is your plan if Mom and Dad don't accept him, what are you willing to do." Her inner voice blared inside her head. She sat up quickly, listening intently, " Have you thought about that? What are you willing to do?" She cringed at the thought, " That won't happen, will it, no they wouldn't do that to me." Her mind going in circles as the worse thought she could possibly think entered her mind.....

Would she be forced to chose between her family and Can.....

There's no way......its not possible

She wiped away the tears that had suddenly rolled down her face..

Her heart had already made that decision, ......and it had scared her, but she knew what she would do.....

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