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I woke up the next morning to see a text from Niall. I smiled and rushed to pick up my phone and unlock it.

From Niall:

How will I ever wait until later tonight to get my Nutella coffee????
I smiled and replied, hoping it was flirty enough.
To Niall:
I would've rathered waking up to a text about you saying you didn't know how you could wait to see ME, but I guess my coffee is really good.
From Niall:
it's just a plus to seeing you. don't worry ;)
To Niall:
nice save
From Niall:
no seriously!! I wanna get to know you
To Niall:
well coming to my work 10 minutes before closing time won't really give much time for that :(
From Niall:
which is exactly why I wanted to go somewhere. normally, friends do that instead of stalking them at work so
I almost sent a pouting face, depicting my own face. I know we are nothing more than friends, but didn't he just say he wants to go out as just friends?
To Niall:
yeah sure. Friday night? I can check my schedule and take off if I have to.
From Niall:
that would be great :)
To Niall:
so does this mean no more work visits?
From Niall:
we'll see ;)
I went to work that day after school, realizing it was only Tuesday and I had to wait the whole week to see him. He most likely won't come to work if we have a "date", I'm guessing.

Oh but I was wrong. He came five minutes after my shift started, and my eyes widened.

"What the hell are you doing?" I mouthed to him as he gave his order to someone. He just smiled and waved, causing me to shake my head at him.

Didn't he say the fans would go nuts if they saw him talking to me?

But then he picked up his coffee, glanced at me and winked, before walking out.

I get it now. He's like torturing me or something.

To Niall:
You little bitch
From Niall:
that girl makes YOUR OWN coffee better than you
To Niall:
no she doesn't!
From Niall:
To Niall:
less work for me? jealously is not in my vocabulary.
From Niall:
by the look on your face, I think you were
To Niall:
actually it was surprise because you said you wouldn't come during the day.
From Niall:
Or it was jealousy that someone else took my order. "Can I have a hazelnut and mocha syrup coffee and your number?"
To Niall:
you didn't say that last part.
From Niall:
but yes I did. shes sending nudes now
To Niall:
um no she's not she's standing right in front of me.
From Niall:
well she still is
To Niall:
in your dreams.
From Niall:
you're only in my dreams ;)
To Niall:
I bet my coffee is in your dreams.
From Niall:
no, just you. I honestly did have one last night.
To Niall:
what happened?
From Niall:
you got hit by a bus
To Niall:
good thing you don't know how to drive a bus.
From Niall:
kidding, kidding. actually it was your birthday and I didn't get you anything and then you were sad and I felt bad so i made you a coffee and you were happy.
To Niall:
Just like today except you didn't make me coffee
From Niall:
wait it's your birthday??
To Niall:
no can you be any more gullible
From Niall:
can you be any worse at your job?
To Niall:
I put my phone in my pocket, going back to work. This is going to be the longest week of my life.

I talked to my boss and took off on Friday, because he was going to be in that day anyway. I was glad, because I didn't want to cancel on Niall. Who knows if I'd ever have another chance?
Once Thursday rolled around, I was already looking for an outfit.

I texted Niall without thinking, and then I was just embarrassed.

To Niall:
Am I supposed to be fancy or not?
From Niall:
You know it's tomorrow right??
I blushed and realized I looked stupid because I was already planning my outfit.
To Niall:
well I'm using tomorrow afternoon as sleep time, so I need to get everything ready now.
From Niall:
good plan. it's casual, it's just in my flat. speaking of which, I'll text you my address in a bit.
Shit. I'm going to his freaking house.
To Niall:
okay do it before I fall asleep tomorrow though, wake me up and I won't come.
From Niall:
aw, we can't have that happen
To Niall:
was that sarcasm
From Niall:
no it wasn't and I just realized how sarcastic it sounded oops no really, I've been excited all week :)
To Niall:
I get that a lot
From Niall:
you totally just ruined the moment
To Niall:
I get that a lot too.
I put my phone down and looked for a casual outfit. I chose a pair of shorts with a tank top, because of the killer heat wave that is happening right now. Everyone wishes they lived in California, but they don't know what it's like when you have to take two minute showers because there's a drought so you can't use all of the water up.

I put out the outfit and took a deep breath, because it was surreal, actually. Not just because he's famous. I just hadn't met a decent guy like him in a long time. And I hope it lasts, and he's everything that I think he is.

sorry that it took so long for chapter four!!

let's all have a moment of silence bc ZAYN

thank you for your silence but now...
comment if you want the next chapter soon! the next chapter will be when she's going to his house YAYYY


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