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I nervously knocked on his door. I'm usually one of the most confident people ever, and all of the sudden, I have this weird feeling in my stomach. People usually call them butterflies, but I just feel the need to throw up and run away.

The part that is bothering me is that I don't even know if this is a date. And I don't know where we stand. If he wants to be just friends, then I'm hoping he wouldn't be hesitant to go somewhere in public. Hopefully keeping the 'dates' private is a sign that he likes me.

The door opened slowly. "Hey Kiley!" Niall greeted me, opening the door wider.

"Hi, thanks for giving me the wrong address by the way." I said, stepping in.

"I did?" He said, a flash of panic crossing his face.

"Yeah I drove everywhere looking for this place."

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" He said, an apologetic look on his face.

I giggled, "I'm kidding you dumb ass. I just wanted to see if you would feel guilty."

"You're mean." He pushed me lightly, but a breathy laugh left his lips. I couldn't help but notice his muscles under his skin on his shoulders when he pushed me.

"I thought you lived in Ireland or something." I said, looking around at the huge flat.

"Well yeah, but one of my friends from my band are letting me stay in his house here in California. Harry bought this not too long ago." He said, guiding me into the large kitchen.

"That's nice of him. Do I get to meet him and hear embarrassing stories about you?"

"No, that's the reason I kicked him out for the night, actually." He said, looking at me over his shoulder and smirking.

"Maybe another time."

"Not if I can help it." He said, opening the door to the kitchen. My jaw almost dropped when I saw the set up.

There was a nice table cloth over a table for two in the middle of the room, with candles spread out around the room, the lights dim. There was a cute center piece, a vase with a rose in it.

"I watched some Netflix for ideas, and I saw this." He said motioning around the room, "I thought you might like it." He said, his cheeks flushing.

My surprised expression turned into a smile as my eyes met his, "I love this."

So I guess this is a date.

"So, I tried to cook something, almost set the house on fire, so pizza is on the way." He said, looking embarrassed.

I laughed, "Good thing you can sing." I patted him on the shoulder jokingly, but I honestly just wanted an excuse to touch his muscles in his shoulders.

The doorbell rang and Niall went to the door to get it. He brought the pizza back into the room and put out paper plates. "Doesn't really match the whole candle light thing but-"

"It looks perfect." I said, sitting down, and he did as well.

"So what's it like to be in a band?" I asked as we started eating.

"Why, do you wanna start one?"

I almost choked on my food, "If you've ever heard me sing, you would totally take that back. I'm just wondering."

He laughed a little, "Um, it's hard to believe sometimes. Our fans are incredible-"

"And scary."

"What makes you say that?" He said, a grin on his face.

"I've seen photoshopped pictures and stuff. Their minds are messed up."

"That's why we love them." He said, laughing along with me.

We continued talking and eating our pizza. I had two slices, and Niall took the 'sacrifice' as he called it, to eat the other six.

"Damn, why am I so full?"

"Uh because you ate almost the entire pizza?"

"Well I've done that before." He said, waving it off, causing me to laugh at him.

"I should get home before my mom wonders where I went. I forgot to leave a note." I said, looking at the time on my phone.

"Aw." He whined, getting up at the same time as me.

"I'll walk you out." He said, guiding me through the winding hallways.

"You need a map for this place."

"Yeah I get lost all of the time." He joked, then we finally were in front of the door.

"We'll have to do this again sometime." He said, smiling softly at me.

"Yeah I would love to see you more outside of my work." I added onto his thought.

He stepped towards me, and at first I thought he was going to kiss me, but he just wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me. I placed mine around his neck to hug back. It was slightly awkward but that didn't stop me from inhaling his sweet scent and smiling to myself.

We finally pulled away and I tried to hide the red that was forming on my cheeks.

"Bye." I said quickly, then opened the door and walked out. I could feel him watching me from behind as I walked, and I smiled down at my feet, replaying the perfect night in my head.


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