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happy late birthday babe ;)
"Hell yeah it is." I answered them simply, then turned back around to face Niall.

He was inching his way towards us, probably afraid that one of them was a fan, and he looked very confused.

"Um hey Kiley and..." He spoke once he reached us.

"These are my annoying friends Joey and Liz who couldn't stay home and get out of my life for a day." I said with a fake cheery look on my face.

He smiled at me and put a hand on my lower back, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Niall." He shot a wave to the two of them.

"I thought you were lying about him!" Liz exclaimed.

"I believed you all along sis." Joey tried to act innocent here.

"Shut up, no you didn't." I shot back. "In three seconds, let's run to your car to get away." I whispered in Niall's ear. A grin spread across his face and he shrugged like he was saying 'okay'.

He tapped my back three times, then we bolted for his car. I jumped in my side and he jumped in his, and he started the car while I got a kick out of my friends' reactions.

Once we pulled out and drove away, a giggle escaped Niall's lips, "Well anyway, it's nice to see you."

"You too, and just to clear things up, I didn't tell anyone else about this. And they won't tell anyone, I promise." I said, referring to us. We weren't a couple, but this is our third date so maybe it will happen soon. Hopefully it will.

"I trust you Kiley, and I'm sorry about all of this secretive stuff it's just so complicated once the press gets involved." He said apologetically.

"Niall I really don't care. I love hanging out with you and I don't want the press getting in the way of that." I said, and it probably caught him off guard because I'm not exactly an open person.

He smiled but kept his eyes focused on the road. "I'm glad you're thinking of it like that. Usually it's either the girl gets scared off because I have to keep her a secret for a little while, or she begs me to be seen with her for fame." He admitted.

"They sound disgusting." I said flatly.

"I figured you would think that. That's why I like you." He chuckled, pulling into a parking lot. "This is a lame course but, no one comes. We have it all to ourselves." He shot a wink in my direction and opened his door. Much to his dismay, I opened my own and got out. He pouted because he was going to do it.

I took his hand and dragged him inside. The worker at the desk looked surprised to see us. I'm not sure if it was because Niall Horan was in front of him or because people in general were coming to the course. "Golf for two please." Niall said sweetly, and I smiled at his adorable way he interacts with everyone.

"Yeah sure." He took Niall's money and asked, "Do you want a score card?"

"Hell no, I'm gonna lose so bad, no need to know how much." He giggled slightly and declined his offer, each of us grabbing a golf club and a different colored ball.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the abandoned course. "Why is the water green?" I asked with a scrunched up nose.

"Now you know why nobody comes here." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Gross." I giggled a little, because even though it was gross, I loved it. I loved being alone with him. Him being famous does have its perks, because I like being under the radar like this with him. It's fun and exhilarating.

"Ladies first." He said, putting my ball down on the ground for me. I smiled and stepped up to it.

"Why is the first one so hard?"

"No it's not!"

"But it has like 5 holes." I shot back.

"Because it's the practice hole you dumbass you only get it in one." He fired back at me.

"Jesus, come backs are fire today." He smirked at my reply and then I got ready to hit it. I tried to aim for the middle one and completely missed.

I turned around and Niall was hunched over, dying of laughter. "Oh shut up, I have a club and I'm not afraid to use it."

"You'd probably miss me." He said, out of breath, and then he laughed again at his own comeback.

"I hate you. You try then." I pushed him forward to where he starts. He wiped the tears from under his eyes and put the ball down. He took like five minutes to get ready.

"Wait a minute. You little fucker." I said, grabbing the club from his grip.

"What?" He asked.

I thought back to when I had to pick something up before thanksgiving for my mom last year. While I was waiting in line at the supermarket, I saw a magazine of Niall on a golf course. Like a real golf course.

"You play golf! This is so unfair!"

"How would you know that?"

"I wasn't born yesterday, you doofus." I said, "I forfeit."

"Aw come on babe." He said when I turned around. I shivered at the name and then prayed to God he didn't notice. "I'll help you." He whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. Damn, he knows my weakness.

"Fine, I guess I have nothing else to do." I broke from his grip and casually walked to the first real hole. I could feel him laughing and shaking his head at me.

I put the ball down, and I felt his warm arms wrapped around me again and put over my own arms. My breathing got quicker when I felt his head rest on my shoulder. His hands went over mine, to guide them. He brought the club back, and lightly hit the ball forward, effortlessly getting it in the the hole on the first try.

"Wow I'm good." I said with a smile.

"Yeah you are." He said, transferring his hands to my waist and turning me around to face him. I was inches away from his face and this moment felt very familiar. "Maybe we won't get interrupted this time." He whispered, leaning in.

I put my hands on his shoulders and started dragging them up to his neck. He pulled me so much closer that I could feel his breathing, and it was as quick and nervous as mine was.

And sure enough, the sprinklers turned on, causing us to jump apart yet again.

:) I hate myself but comment, vote and keep reading for more!

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