A week later...

It had been a week since I applied for the job in New York. I had forgotten all about it until the cursed chime of my cell phone notification reminded me through an email of my mistake. Only now, it made me feel even more regretful whilst I still felt bursts of surprise and excitement. I didn't expect them to want me.

At the same time, I knew I was ready for this upgrade in my career and life. I had explored every possible opportunity in my town, there was nothing left for me here.

Through all my cheerful thinking, I couldn't help but think about the rest of my life I would leave behind. My mum, my dad, my best friend. This was a major step in my individuality but also bittersweet. Not only this, but this also meant leaving behind my cliff, as foolish as it sounds it's the only place I know to unwind when things get too much. Where would I go in New York?

I was with Eden when I got the email, we were going clothes shopping. Well, she was going clothes shopping, I just watched and was there to give her my opinion which was usually just 'yeah, it looks good!' or 'I like it, it suits you.' I would do shopping, but I somewhat hate it and need money for more expensive things like my job or a house.

Luckily, if I did decide to go to New York, I had saved enough over the years to rent an apartment there whilst getting money from doing the job.

One slight problem was that Eden or my parents didn't exactly know about this job opportunity.

Just at that moment, Eden walked out of one of the changing rooms and turned to me sitting on one of the black, leather chairs. She had on a spaghetti-strapped, royal blue, satin dress that just covered her ass with one or two inches left over. It did look really good on her.

"So....what about this one?" She asks.

"You look amazing, Eden. You should get it." I give her my honest opinion.

Although I did want to support her on her journey to find the perfect dress, I couldn't take my eyes off my phone any longer, instantly switching my eyes to re-read the email. I was still in so much shock.

"That's what you said about the last one," she notices my bewitchment on my screen, "What's wrong?"

I look up and at her eyes that stare back at me, she moves her arm to rest on her hip as she awaits my answer. I came to the conclusion that this was the best moment to tell her.

"You do look great in the dress, it's just... I need to tell you something."

"Oh god, this is serious, okay. What is it?" She stammered. I decided just to be blunt and tell her exactly what's going on so I can get it over with before I doubt myself.

"I may have accidentally applied for a job as an assistant costume designer for a movie being shot in New York, and they want to see me for an interview. And I want to go, I do, but then I'll have to leave you and my parents and-" I ramble like I had no control over what I was saying.

"Arabella." She put an end to my never-ending thoughts. She looked at me with no expression for a few seconds which made my nervousness even worse before a smile crept up her face and she continued, "This is amazing, I'm so happy for you. You have to go! Won't let you say otherwise. A, this is your chance for you to live the next stage of your life."

"You think so?" I couldn't believe she was instantly supportive of this situation.

"I know so." She always had a way of assuring me, "But, if you're going to New York, you're going to need better clothes."

I'm still in awe of how she turns every conversation into a joke.

"Better clothes?" I laugh.

"Well, what if there's a party?" She raises her eyebrows, "Why don't we start with this dress, I bet it looks better on you anyway."

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