Today was another day of waking up, getting dressed, eating and then leaving the house in a car with the boys. However, I felt much different from the others. Because I knew, at the end of today, I wouldn't be going back to their estate, but my apartment.

The car is new. Of course, they have multiple cars. It's black-painted and has a sunroof. I notice it's some type of BMW but I don't know much more about cars other than some brands. A big difference from the last car, however, is that it was a six-seater so some of us no longer needed to drive separately. I can't tell whether this is more effective or intimidating though.

I take a seat in the middle, directly under the sunroof with Harry. On the row behind us, sat Liam and Louis. Then in front of us was Niall driving and then Zayn in the passenger seat.

There was a small bit of tension in the vehicle, but I tried to shrug it off. There were only short moments of silence between their conversations but they were filled with the quiet radio. Eventually, I managed to ask a question.

"What was in the suitcase?"

"What-" Louis goes to I assume, ask what I mean.

"If it wasn't for me last night, you wouldn't have got the suitcase-" I proceed to explain.

"We would've gotten the suitcase." Harry laughs off.

"Ok, so what was your master plan, huh?" I question.

"Well...I-... Niall had a plan." He blurts, putting Niall on the spot. "Didn't you, Niall?"

"Uh... yeah. We..."

"Thoughts so," I state, smiling at their failed attempt.

"Hey, we would've found a way to get the suitcase, okay?" Liam now adds on. Zayn is always quiet in times like this, he's much more of a listener than a talker.

"Sure you would. But come on! I deserve to know, I'm part of this now." I plead.

"Fine," Harry replies on their behalf, "Jewellery."

"Jewellery?" I laugh quietly.

"Yes, jewellery. Very expensive jewellery. Diamonds, rubies, sapphires. Billions worth."

"Billions?" I was in awe.

"Mhmm. It had been traded border to border, then overseas all the way from Sweden until Randy got his hands on it and was gonna trade it with Ruin for weapons, but he underestimated its worth and was being ripped off right in front of his face anyway. And all the money Ruin would earn from the jewellery now has gone directly to SIN meaning Ruin no longer has billions of funding for some of their heists, tasks and crime. Randy can't store weapons for his miniature gang - the amount of members is quite tragic - but anyways less crime for us to sort out. Now it's just about laying low for a bit until we do another major task." He explains back rather quickly, and that's all for that conversation before it moves on swiftly to something else.

A few minutes later, there's eventually a long moment of silence. I'm still trying to process everything from yesterday, including the weird moment I had last night.

Nothing like that has ever happened to me before and the idea that it could happen more terrifies me. Even during the small chat, I don't make eye contact with Harry the whole way through, not wanting to freak out again. Everything was fine until it all came back in gruesome flashes and the sinking, sick feeling in my stomach plummeted just like it did that night. I tried to shake it off, act like it didn't happen but now I'm overly anxious and scared. I tried to push it away, pretend it didn't happen or even that the man had deserved it, whether Harry had told the truth or not, and now it had risen back to the surface for me to overcome once again.

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