Part 16: on my mind

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Thomas! I yell in my thoughts, needing his answer straight away.

Yeah, jeez I'm listening. Where are you?

Doesn't matter. We need to get out of here.

I know, this place isn't what they think it is.

So I've heard, we need answers.

My thoughts are silent again, no answer.

I take deep breaths trying to calm myself before I'll have to return in front the crowd. First I'm going to have to find one of their doctors.

I walk down the brightly lit hallways, searching for someone, I'd do it myself if I had any supplies, since we left that glade, we have nothing. Nothing other than the clothes on our backs, which now is their clothes on us.

"Hey! Y/n, so we meet again." A low scratchy voice calls,

I turn around to none other than Janson.

"Looks like you could use some help with that hand, we have great doctors here, they'd be happy to help, please, follow me."

He leads me down the halls, farther back then I've ever been before. He uses a keycard for the doors, with glass windows, twice the size of the one in the glade, in the maze. Behind the Ivy.

One final door and we're in a medical door,

It only takes about two minutes before a doctor comes in with bandages, ice pack and...

A needle? Different from the one they used on Newt.

"Don't be alarmed." The doctor tells me, "you've been in the maze for while, enhancements in the medical field have been discovered by now."

"I sprained my wrist, I don't have an open wound."

"Y/n, please, calm down it'll only be a moment and you feel better."

I don't respond but I do give in, they gave Newt a shot and he's fine. Other than being an complete ass.
I'll be okay. They may be sketchy, but I do feel like shit.

He hands me the bag of ice after he had finished bandaging my entire hand to my wrist.

I roll up my sleeve slightly, they poke the needle into my vein and inject me. The liquid was much darker than the one he had. But they did say~ nevermind. I'm too dizzy to be in my thoughts, luckily Thomas can't hear them right now.

That reminds me, Thomas.

He's still in the cafeteria.

Speaking of Thomas, a guard bursts in the door,

"Boss, Maze A is causing trouble already."

"Who's maze A?" I ask,

They don't answer, the guard pulls me by my arm back down the halls to the cafeteria,

The boys were holding Thomas back, while another guard yells at him,

"Thomas!" Janson greets,
"What's going on here?"

"Nothing, just another misunderstanding." Frypan speaks up,

Janson gets about three feet away from Thomas,
"How many misunderstandings are we going to have? We helped you, where's a little bit of trust?"

Thomas gives him a death stare, not exchanging any words back.

Multiple guards grab each of us, once again Teresa isn't involved with us, part of me is curious but another part doesn't care.

They push us into our bunk.

"Thomas what the hell!?" Newt argues,

"Something is going on here, and I'm going to find out." He holds up a key card,

My face lights up, "good going Thomas!"

"No, NO, not 'good going' y/n!" Newt yells,

"Oh piss off."

"Why does it always have to be about you two, you realize we're supposed to be a team. What happened to that?" Minho speaks,

"He did." I mumble, "he happened."

"If I may..." Winston finally speaks, he hasn't spoken in days, "maybe Newt is right, they rescued us."

"That's what they want you to think!" Thomas protests, "Tonight, I'm going to find out, once and for all, I just need you guys to cover for me."

"What? No way!" Newt interrupts,

"Yeah way." I tease,

He stares me down.

I flip him off.

"In a few hours, it's already settled, Minho, Fry? You with me?" Thomas asks.

"Yeah." Frypan sighs,

Minho nods,

I shoot a warning glance at Winston, "Ok!" He holds his hands up in defense.

"Besides, if we're wrong, no harm done, right?

"Right." Thomas agrees,

"Of course you two are in on this, we're just your minions!" Newt argues again,

"SHUT UP DAMNIT!" I scream.

"Can we PLEASE just get over this bullshit, we broke up okay? Move on."

But on the inside, I didn't want to. I thought if he moved on, it would be easier for me. We're stuck together, I can't just leave.

Forever Last ~ Thomas x reader x Newt (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now