Part 22: Freaks

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"Hey y/n! Over here!" Newt calls, a bit too loudly for my liking, his voice echos.

"Okay, okay, calm down!"

I reach him and see what he wanted me to, clothing, sweaters, pants, shirts... jackets.

"Now I'll have mine back please and thank you love."

I allow him to take it, I search through the pile until I find a light throw over jacket.


"What for?" Newt asks,

"For everything."

He smiles and nods, "Anything for you."

Teresa comes over to us and I almost walked away,
I would have too if she didn't say...

"Hey Newt!" In a stupid girly tone, too friendly.

Sure me and Newt weren't dating anymore and technically I had no right to be jealous but I was going to be anyway.

The same thing I got mad at him for but, I couldn't help it.

I mean who would I be if I didn't become slightly over protective every now and then.

He wasn't just my ex lover, he's still my best friend, and in a way; The love of my life, even if it is just in a 'friend' way now.

"Uh hey Teresa." He responds unsurely,

"So I was thinking, you're here, alone, I'm here." She twirls her hair around her finger, like we aren't in extreme danger or anything. At all, pfft.

"I'm literally right here." I interrupt, throwing my hands up.

She waves me off, "Thanks for watching him, you can go now, I'm sure you'll be back, it's my turn."

"Excuse me Bitch?!"

"Not again y/n, please." Newt tries to calm me,

All the other boys were off exploring another part of the building, we'd head for the city by morning.

"No! I think it would do Teresa some good to be knocked on her ass." I take a step toward her before Newt immediately throws himself in front of me.

"Fine, just wait til you're alone Teresa, sleep with one eye open, cause you won't be sleeping Next to my boyfriend..."

It slipped, that word. I didn't care, I was so angry, even though we weren't together I wanted him.

But the hard part was...

I wanted Thomas too.

"So scared." she mocks, sticking out her tongue,

I push Newt out of the way with all my strength and he falls over.

I use the opportunity to throw a right hook and land it straight on her face.

She goes down but the blood shows up.

She holds her nose, groaning from the pain.

By the time Newt got back up I was done.

"Do it again, Teresa, please do get up, I'll cut your fucking tongue out." I growl.

Newt grabs my hand, I clench my fists,

I push him away.

"What happened to 'I dont want her? Newt, because you've been very much on her side this entire time!"

"That's not true."

"Why do you keep defending her then?"

"BECAUSE YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL HER, maybe that's why y/n!"

"You haven't seen what I have." I speak lowly, just above a whisper.

We were interrupted by,

Thomas and Minho come running back, flailing their arms like crazy people.

"GO! GO! RUN!"

Teresa gets up on her feet once she sees it, ignoring the immense pain and blood on her face,

This is what Janson warned us about,


The undead freaks.

I waited longer than the rest to run, I waited until Tommy was by my side.

"Keep up!" Minho yells,

"We gotta get out of here!" Teresa yells out of breath,

"And go where dipshit!? The beach?" I sarcastically yell back.

"Not the time!" Winston yells.

"Here, quick!" Thomas points to a door, the exit.

We run in one by one, Me and Winston the last ones to make it in, but before we could shut the door, the cranks flail their arms in, trying to grab us.

We can't get it closed, I push my whole body weight against the door but with who knows, hundreds? Of freaks, we can't hold it,

"We have to make a run for it!" Fry yells,

"No shit!" I struggle,

"Ready?" I ask Winston,

He nods, "Three! Two! ONE! He lets go and we run out, trying to close the door as Winston was only a foot away, nearly escaping....

But not before he was pulled back.

We practically played tug o war with the cranks, but instead of a rope it was Winston's body.

They ripped into his stomach,

I haven't eaten in two days but I still want to throw up, scream, cry, anything.

"Let me go! GET OUT OF HERE!" Winston screams,

"No! I WON'T LEAVE YOU!" I cry,

"I'm sorry y/n. Thomas keep her safe."

Those were his last words.

Before he let go.

Authors note*
We're getting close to book three! Anyone else excited?! I want to clear some things up just in case anyone is confused,

Basically, y/n, isn't with Thomas or Newt right now. She loves them both, She knows/thinks the right thing to do now is to move on with Tommy but is still stuck on Newt, even if he is sometimes a bit arrogant. And yes in the last chapter when I talked about newt 'being clean for so long' that was an SH (self harm) scene, of course I didn't want to go too in deatail, just tried to imply. Vote <3
If you aren't already following, please do!

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