Part 30: Offical

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"We should probably talk."

"Yeah, okay, you first."

We speak quietly so nobody else could hear.

"Alright." I sigh, "I kissed Newt." I pause, "Again."

He only gives me a blank stare,

"But I want to fix it okay I like you Thomas a lot and obviously I like him too but~"

"Let's make it official." He blurts, "You're mine and I'm yours, that's not going to change, I get it, you liked him first but from now on, that stops."

"Yeah." I smile, "I'd like that."

"No more kissing other people."

"Pinky promise." We intertwine our pinkies, making the promise.

"And no more secrets?" He asks,

"No more secrets." I agree but with guilt, Of course I had one, I couldn't tell anyone, not yet.
Nobody knew, Not Tommy, Newt, Min, Fry, when I say anyone I mean anyone and everyone.

I made a vow to tell him when we found the right arm, we wouldn't be on the run and it would be perfect, well my situation isn't perfect, at all. But I needed to tell him.

*time skip*

We all exit the vehicle, we've gone as far as we needed, cars block the way to go any further,

"Y/n? Can I talk to you?" Newt pulls me aside,

Thomas keeps close watch,

"So uhm." He rubs the back of his neck nervously,
"You picked Tommy then?" He asks.

"I uh~ yeah, I did. But I hope we can still be friends?"

"Of course." He nods and walks towards the others again,

"Newt?" He turns back to me, "I'm sorry, really, I made a lot of mistakes and I hope you and him can be okay again too."

He nods and walks away.

I run my hand along the car until I find a bullet hole, then, Gunshots.

Thomas pulls me down, covering me with his body.

Jorge pulls out an explosive device, "We need a distraction." He says keeping low, "on three!"

"One...two.." he counts down.

"Hands up!" A women's voice is heard from behind us.

We do as told and all stand up, turning around.

A blonde girl and a dark haired girl, wearing face coverings, of course I wouldn't have recognized them.


"Sonya? Harriet?"

"You know each other?" I ask,

"Yeah, in the maze."

The blonde whistles, then we see snipers come from their hiding spots.

"Back it up Joe!" Harriet yells,

The truck is moving, it looked dead only a few moments ago and has now come to life.

They introduce us to new people,

A woman named Mary stuck out to me, but the rest were teenagers, just like us. Maybe, just maybe we...
Well they, could be happy here.

For awhile only of course, they'll make it to the safe haven one day, without me. I'll just be on the journey to watch. A part of me hopes they'd carry on my memories, maybe even honor me in a way.

"There's something I need to tell you." I speak to Thomas and, "you too." Newt.

"Meet me up there, but after I go, I need a minute to gather my thoughts." I point to the cliff.

As I sit with my legs dangling off the cliff I stare at my wrist, the veins, blue, they pop, like snakes.

They arrive together,

I pull my sleeve up, not knowing what to say,

"Oh y/n." Newt sighs,

"No, this can't be true." Thomas cries,

"Don't cry Tommy, I'll watch over you one day."

"There's gotta be a cure!"

"I seen it Tommy, there is none."

"But what about~"

"STOP, okay Tommy I appreciate you trying but there's no use."

Newt speaks up, "How long have you known?"

"For awhile, a long time, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I didn't want all the focus on me, I hope you guys can forgive me, for everything I did, everything I ruined, I truly am sorry." I look at them sadly, forcing a small smile.

"As long as you forgive me." Newt speaks,

"Of course I will Newt, and hey, if you have to move on, go ahead because like I said you deserve the world, whatever makes you happy, and please stay clean for me, after I'm gone, I don't want you to blame yourself, you didn't know, there's nothing with can do."

"And Thomas, Take care of them, you're so so strong, take care of each other." I look down to Minho and Fry laughing together, I smile, "You guys deserve this, I love you guys both so much."

I stand up, hugging them both.

"And yes even Teresa, she deserves better, tell her I'm sorry for everything and uh trying to kill her."

Thomas sniffles a laugh.

I pull a pistol from my pocket, Their eyes widen.

"Y/n no, you can't." Thomas tries to interject.

"Winston gave me this, while we were running, he gave his life for us, all of them did, I'll never forget about all the boys who died for us to be here. Honor them, I'd be lucky if I could be one of them."

"Y/n~" Newt tries to speak,

"You don't have to bury me, I'm going to go.
I don't want to lose myself, that's what I'm scared of, not dying, I've accepted that, and now you have to as well."

"Tell Minho and Fry that I love them too, like brothers, please?" I ask one last favor,

Thomas sighs, "Of course."

One more time I hug them both.

Then, they leave.

I walk as far away as I could, then...

I ended it, my life, my story, everything.

Lots of love from your author, sincerely...

The end of book two.

Forever Last ~ Thomas x reader x Newt (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now