Part 27: Life sucks

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"So how exactly do we plan on finding them?" I ask,

"They took the tunnels." Jorge answers.

"Okay so where do these tunnels end?"

"The city, we'll have to find a man name Marcus, this old tin can won't make it to the mountains." He refers to his vehicle. "So you can sit back and make yourself comfortable, before we walk."

I sigh, giving up, no use in wasting my breath again.

Rather quickly my eyes began to shut, I do my best to stay awake, that is until Newt noticed.

"Get some rest, I'll let you know when we're there, he'll be okay, Tommy's tough."

I smile at his reassuring words, more so that he used the nickname, maybe their friendship wasn't broken.

I lean into him and he wraps his arms around me. Keeping me warm and safe. I fall asleep finally, in last the last 48 hours I don't think I've barely slept a blink.


Where am I? A huge room with bright white lights, when I try to move I can't, my wrists, my legs are tied to a table.

"What the hell?!"

I look over to my left, Teresa? Sleeping with tubes in her nose, giving her air.

"Hello y/n, I see you're awake." A blonde woman walks in.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" I pull at my restraints.

"No need to shout, I'm Ava." She assures.

"What are you going to do with us?"

"You see I'm not a horrible person, y/n, I'm sorry but your father...well you disobeyed him, I'll let him explain."

Janson? He walks in the room,

"You betrayed me, chose a bunch of foolish boys over me, so now, one of these boys will pick..."

"Pick? PICK WHAT?! Let me go!"

"Who gets to live, you or Teresa. Now do you still trust them, to save you?" "Bring him in."

Newt walks in, standing tall.

"I'm sorry y/n."

"What!? No, NEWT you wouldn't! You can't do this!"

"I'm sorry y/n, Teresa, always." He turns to Janson, making his choice final,

"Remember WICKED is good." Janson speaks, moments before holding a gun to my head.

He pulls the trigger. *BANG*

"Y/n!? Hey, wake up!" Newt shakes me awake,

I wake up with a face full of tears, I breathe heavily, realizing, that never happened.

I hug Newt, keeping my head close to his chest, hiding my tear stained face.

He rubs my back, "shh, shh, it's okay y/n, I'm here."

Minho was next to him, sleeping. With his head against the window. Snoring.

Jorge was still driving, him and Frypan making small talk.

I wipe my tears away and finally find the courage to look Newt in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." I sniffle,

"It's alright, wanna talk about it?" He asks genuinely caring for me.

I sigh, "They asked you to pick."

He looks at me confused,

I continue, "And you didn't pick me." I try my best not to cry again. "Pick who lived."

"Who did I pick?" He asks.

"Teresa." I whisper.

"Love, look at me." he grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him, "It's always going to be you, never her, never anyone else, not Tommy, not Min, not even Fry." He whispers so they wouldn't hear.

I felt the butterflies again, different than the ones that night in the bunk, not lust, Love.

I had the urge to do it, I couldn't control myself,

I kissed him, passionately. The feelings were always there, they never left, not during our fights, not when I saw him with Teresa, not even in the dream.

When we pulled apart again,

"Y/n?" He whispers,

"I love you Newt."

"I love you too y/n." He smiles.

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I don't want to hear the "I want TOMMY." "No I want NEWT." Comments y'all can argue it out with each other just be patient. This is my book, I have things planned out, Be assured, you do not have to worry! And Remember,  not every story deserves a happy ending.

But if you must. I'd like to give my readers a mini writing assignment of their own, only if you want, tell me who you want to be with AND WHY you think y/n deserves to be with them!
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