Part 25: Headache

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She leads us through the crank path, up some stairs, to another, much bigger room, where a man awaits us. Along with many others.

He turns around drinking a glass of water.

"Do you ever get the feeling the whole world is against you?" He sighs,


"Three questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?"

Nobody speaks.

"Don't all answer at once."

"We're headed for the mountains, looking for the right arm." Thomas grabs my hand,

The men in the room all laugh, as if he told a joke.

"Ghosts you mean?" He takes another sip, "Question number Two, Where did you come from?"

I speak up, "That's our business."

He shrugs, multiple men restrain us, pulling us apart.

"HEY!" We yell,

Another man grabs Thomas, pinning him against a desk, face first, "DON'T TOUCH HIM!" I yell, struggling against the huge man that was holding me back.

"Get the hell off me man!" Thomas growls.

The girl grabs a weird looking device and seemingly scans the back of his neck. As he struggles against them, the girl speaks.

"Shut up you big baby, and you calm down!" She points to me, still trying to break hold of the huge man wrestling me to the ground.

"I'm not gonna hurt your boyfriend."

Boyfriend? No.

"He's not my~" I'm cut off by the man covering my mouth,

"Feisty one isn't she, I like her." The dark skinned man speaks again.

When done scanning, all the men let go of us, I immediately spring up to my feet.

"Asshole." I mumble.

"You were right." The girl speaks to him,

He puts on a pair of glasses to read.

"Right about what?" Thomas asks,

He smiles, "I'm sorry hermano, you've been tagged, you came from WICKED, which means you are very valuable."

The room becomes tense, then...

I feel a sharp pain on the back of my head before passing out, darkness. Like sleep, unconscious.

Time skip*

I groan, a horrible headache floods my brain, slowly my eyes open, Everyone else already talking,

"Y/n!?" Thomas questions worriedly,

"Ugh, I'm fine," I speak in pain, "other than my raging headache, I'd be better without all my god damn blood running to my brain."

"What's with all the swearing?" Minho asks,

"Shut up." I respond quickly.

He changes the subject, forgetting quickly about what I just said,

"Great going Thomas, your plan is really working out for us."

"Shut up Minho." Me and Thomas both speak at the same time.

"Maybe I can reach the rope." Thomas tried, no use, we have no energy left.

"Enjoying the view?" The man comes in,

"The hell do you want?" Minho asks,

"That is the question, my men want to sell you back to WICKED, life has taught them to think small, I'm not like that, something tells me you're not either."

"Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense?" Minho speaks,

I'd laugh if I wasn't feeling it too.

"Tell me what you know about the right arm." He demands,

"Thought you said they were ghosts?" Newt speaks after what felt like days, becoming a shadow in the darkness.

"I happen to believe in ghosts, especially when I hear them chattering on the airwaves. You tell me what you know and maybe we can make a deal."

"We don't know much." Thomas starts,

He pushes a lever, dropping as a few feet down.

"OKAY OKAY, ALRIGHT! They're hiding in the mountains, they attacked WICKED, got out a bunch of kids out, that's all we know!" Thomas speaks again.

"Hey Jorge, what's going on?" His side man walks in,

Jorge is his name? Good to know.

"Just getting to know my new friends, we're all done now." He answers.

"Wait! You're not gonna help us?" I ask,

"We'll get you back to where you belong."

And with that, he leaves.

Authors note*
This book is definitely going to have to be more than 25 chapters long, there's a lot more to tell! So stay tuned <3 vote! FOLLOW PLEASEE💕

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