Part 17: memories

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The door locked behind us, atleast that's what I thought, until it opened again, this time less harshly,

Teresa walked in.

"Great, you're back." I roll my eyes,

"Actually Newt asked me to come here."

I raise an eyebrow,

Don't react. Thomas tries to calm me in my thoughts, our shared thoughts.

"Good for you Teresa, we don't care." I cross my arms, "anyways, she can't stay, Newt obviously didn't think it through so you can leave, thanks for the hospitality, Cunt." I scoff.

"I think I'll stay, keep the boys company." She smirks.

"What did you just say to me you little B~" I walk towards her,

"Woah woah woah y/n!" Thomas pushes me back,

"She can't know Thomas."

"Know what?" She asks,


Newt reacts quickly.

He tries to stand in front of me, before he grabs me I yell, "Touch me and you're the next one I go after!"

I try my best to get out of Thomas's grip, he doesn't let go, I couldn't help it, I snapped.

"I KNOW WHY YOU'RE HERE, I SAW IT, I SAW YOU!!" I holler, still struggling in Thomas's grip.

Minho joins him, pinning my arms back. They push me behind them, in the corner.
They stood in front of me, blocking my view of her.

"What is she talking about?" Winston questions,

"LET GO! Let go of me! Minho stop."

"I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone, or yourself." Minho let's out a breath as he pulls me back again.

"I don't know! She's crazy!" Teresa responds.

"Am not! I SAW HER! My memories are back! All of them! I'LL KILL YOU TERSEA! Let me go!" I cry,

The doors burst open again, two huge men, both atleast 6 feet tall, and the third in a white lab coat carrying a needle.

"Hold her still." They struggle with the boys, I fight like a caged animal, I needed to tell them, tell everyone.

"Tommy please! Don't let them do this!" I cry,

"I'm sorry y/n."

I let out a painful whimper as the needle goes into my body, "No, no, please, please, stop!" I cry.

Everything goes black. The last thing I seen what Thomas, his face, with a sad, sorry expression.

I feel something wet on my face and immediately spring up,

"Hey hey, it's okay y/n it's me, Thomas, I'm here."

He takes the cloth off my forehead.

I let out a big sigh, "How long was I out?"

"After they injected you, few hours at most."

I look around, everyone else was out cold, sleeping in their bunks.

"Where is she?" I ask,

"They took her out." Thomas answers,

"Good, we still on?"

"Yeah Aris is in too, good thing you woke up, he'll be here any minute."

I nod and let out a short quiet sigh.

"What's wrong." He whispers,

"Doesn't matter, it's stupid."

"Newt?" He questions,


"He's a jerk y/n, you deserve someone who atleast trusts you..."

"I trust you." He puts a gentle hand on my face, I look at him and smile.

"I trust you too Tommy."

My eyes travel down to his lips, I'm reminded of the night in the pit. How he held me, the way he kissed me. His touch, his hands, soft as feathers.

I know I shouldn't think like this, but maybe I want to. I needed to, well I thought so, until I heard movement from the bunk, above us,

Newt's bed.

Thomas leans in, slowly, his breath flows against my lips.

"Tommy." I whisper, so quiet he almost couldn't hear me,


"I can't, I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He pulls away, he takes my hand in his, "take your time beautiful."

I can't help but smile. "Thank you Tommy, it means a lot, honestly I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You probably wouldn't be in this situation either if it weren't for me." His eyes travel to the floor.

"Don't say that, it's not your fault he's an over protective jerk."

He chuckles quietly.


*Squeak* *clank*

The vent pops open, from under the bed.

"Wow Aris, could you be any louder, make sure Janson hears next time." I say sarcastically.

"Sorry." He whispers,

"After you." Thomas motions to the vent.

Forever Last ~ Thomas x reader x Newt (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now