White Impact: Ch.16- React

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Author's Note: Hi. I know. You're probably mad at me. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER. so please forgive me. This chapter's really short- like ridiculously short- and it's ONLY ONE POINT OF VIEW. I KNOW RIGHT OMG. but yeah so it's just that short because I didn't have time to write two POVs but I really wanted to update for you guys! So this chapter will be continued don't worry(: xx -Kelly


Niall’s POV

~In the dream~

Liam gives me an odd look and cocks his head, but he continues to take his step. I’m amazed at what happens. His steps seem solid; even over the blackness. I think for a moment about trying it myself but then the memory of falling hits me like professional boxer and I take a small step back instead. He stops walking right in the middle of the black. I look at him completely dumbfounded; in awe of what he just did and envious of his ability to walk over the black.

“Niall? What’s wrong?” He looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

“L-Liam… how are you doing that?”

“Doing what lovely?” His voice is sweet and his features soft.

I point to his feet. His eyes go down to his feet and drift back to me confused, “Niall… I’m just walking.” He gestures for me to come near him. “Why don’t you try it?”

“Because I’ll f-fall.” Liam rolls his eyes and holds his hand out to me again.

“No you won’t love. Besides, I’ll catch you if you fall.” He looks almost impatient so I take about an inch step closer to the black space. He encourages me, motioning for me to come closer. Why can’t I be as brave as you Liam? Why can’t I just take the damn step?

My eyes are glued to the barrier between me and Liam. My mouth is pulled in a pout as I inch just a bit closer to the black space. I get to the edge and look up at Liam. He nods reassuringly. His fingers are still outstretched, waiting for mine to lace themselves between them. “Niall, you know how much I love you. You know that I would never let you fall.”

“I-I know, but-“ He raises his eyebrows and it cuts off the dreadful words before they come to my mouth. You let me fall before. My mouth hangs open as if waiting for birds to nest, and my eyes drift from his eyes to his fingers. My fingers reach out to them without my permission and soon my whole body reacts, taking the final step into the black.

My feet fall from beneath me; slipping against my will. A gasp doesn’t even have time to escape my mouth and the terror strikes my body like lightening. In a flash, Liam’s strong hand is wrapped around my wrist, pulling me back to him, pressing me to his body.

“I told you I’d never let you fall.” And with that he kisses me gently on the lips, rose meeting pale. He looks into my eyes for a long moment and I feel like I’m about to float away. He presses his lips to my ear and whispers, “But, Niall my love, I have to take your place.”

“Liam, please, don’t.” My voice cracks and I feel helpless. He gives me one last peck before he slips away; I’m not strong enough to hold him. “LIAM. DON’T.” but it’s too late. He vanishes into the black, a humble, almost calm, look set across his face. 


I shoot up straight on the bench, my hand frantically searching for Liam before even my eyes can. He’s not there. WHERE IS HE? “LIAM?” I shout at the garden, if it weren’t for these circumstances I’d probably look like a complete lunatic. My legs swing themselves off the side of the bench; my shaking hands pushing off and before I know it I’m standing up.

I start toward where we found the tarp but a thought strikes me and I turn on my heel toward the fire escape. I walk hesitantly toward it; much like I did the black space in the dream. That doesn’t help. I get down on my hands and knees and crawl toward the ledge. My whole body shakes as I crawl; barely leaving me with enough coordination to keep upright. My hair hangs in my eyes but I don’t bother to push it back. Liam; Liam is all I can think about.

My eyes reach the ledge but my body comes to a halt. I can’t see over it yet. I lay flat on my stomach and take more than a few deep breaths. The oxygen fills my lungs and returns to the world in carbon dioxide form but I don’t feel relief at all. Liam. I stretch out my arms and my fingers barely fall over the ledge, gripping the cool stone with nothing but the very tips. I force myself to push further; until the entirety of my hand grasps the ledge. I close my eyes excruciatingly tight and pull, not letting the muscles in my arms relax until my chest rests on the stone. I push up and my hands hold me up like a half push-up. My eyes relax a bit but they’re not open yet; not quite yet. I shake my head; scolding myself. My eyes open as if from a slumber that had lasted a thousand years.

What I see makes me  collapse back onto the stone.

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