White Impact: Ch. 13- Sunset

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Niall’s POV

What I see is astonishing. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this is what we would find up here. Could this even be real? IS THIS ACTUALLY REAL LIFE? I have my doubts. I don’t even know what I was expecting as we climbed all of those stairs, but I was definitely not expecting this.

I look around completely fucking dumbfounded. I think my jaw may have hit the floor, but I somehow manage to collect myself. Liam seems just as flabbergasted, “I-It’s… It’s…”

I cling to his hand a little tighter than before, continuing to look around our bizarre surroundings. I finish his sentence, “It’s a garden.”

It’s quite beautiful actually. There are plants everywhere. They spread across the entire rooftop. Paths made of concrete are the only thing separating the different patches of soil. It amazes me that in the middle of this concrete jungle someone could create a little wilderness of their own. And an amazing one at that. The sun is setting, painting the entire sky with orange and pink, almost like watercolour. The sun looks orange as it gets closer and closer to sinking below what remains of the New York City skyline. The plants are so beautiful they could be award winning.

Liam lets go of my hand and I watch as he touches the petals of a yellow flower. His fingers skim over the petals and I think that’s what it must look like when he caresses my skin. The thought makes me smile a little. “How did they survive?” Liam asks in a whisper.

That’s a good question. I look at the flower bed closest to me. One specific flower stands out to me. It’s red, close to matching the colours of the sunset. I take it in my hand, being careful not to harm it.  My nose brushes the baby soft petals as I breathe in it’s wonderful fragrance. It smells like… life. It is almost reassuring. And Liam has a damn good point. Maybe if this little garden on the rooftop survived, then we can too. After all, flowers are so defenseless, and yet they still prevailed in the darkest hour.

Liam comes back to my side, slipping his hand around mine. It’s like my fingers respond without me even thinking about it. I am so comfortable around him. He doesn’t even know just how fucking much I appreciate him. A small smile plays on his lips. What is he smiling at? Could flowers really make him this happy? That seems a little corny. I smirk to myself, but it disappears as I notice the glazed look in his eyes.

He looks like he’s in really deep thought. Maybe it’s best not to interrupt those thoughts. Or maybe I should. God, he confuses me. But that’s exactly why I love him.. I never know just what’s on his mind. I know for sure what’s always on my mind. It’s him. “Liam?”

He turns toward me slowly, but doesn’t say anything. “Liam why are you smiling?” He is looking at me, but not at my eyes. His gaze falls on my lips.

It doesn’t seem uncomfortable to me. The feeling it gives me is almost like drugs. He just stands there, surveying my face. My breath is pretty much caught in my throat. Why does he do this to me? I feel like groaning but have no breath to do so. I watch as his brown eyes race over my skin, almost embarrassed at what he must be seeing. The sight is probably horrendous. I don’t know how he can look at it so long. His hand reaches out almost as if he can read my mind. I must be blushing like an idiot right now. I wish I could do that to him; make him blush as much as he makes me.

His eyes finally look into mine. His eyes are almost full of longing. His fingers reach out and barely brush against my skin. My heart beat is racing, but that doesn’t stop me from breathing his name, “Liam?”

“Hm…” He mumbles.

My eyes go to his lips, the pinkish-almost red colour. Does he know how beautiful he is? And he wants to kiss me? Or at least that’s what I’m assuming. I take the chance. “Just kiss me already.” I whisper. My eyes don’t leave his lips as his hands skim across my face.

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