White Impact: Ch. 4- Never Let Go

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Liam’s POV

I look at him stunned. Sure, the situation we are in is ridiculous but I didn’t take it that far. But then I think about the bodies. I shudder. His blue eyes gaze back at me with sadness as if he knows what I’m thinking about. What if England was hit with some sort of disaster too? Do we have a home to go back to? Will we ever get to go home?

Does anyone back home even know what’s happened to us? Do they even know we’re in New York City? I hope so. Maybe we have hope to be rescued if people know of our whereabouts. But then I realize something. They might not even know we’re alive.

Basically, Niall and I could be the only ones left in the city and we aren’t even Americans. We have no way of getting home and we’re all the way across the pond. The thought of not seeing our loved ones ever again punches me in the heart like a professional boxer. The thoughts race around my mind as if they’re trying to break a world record.

 I notice Niall’s looking at me with an even deeper frown than before on his face. Right now, all of the doubts in my mind from before just fly away. I really do love him. We’ve been through too much together, I couldn’t ever give up on him. I don’t know if he loves me the way I love him but it doesn’t matter. As long as he’s in my life I’ll never let go. I brush the hair out of his eyes. “Niall don’t give up yet. We’ll find a way out of this.” The thought that he has already given up makes my stomach churn.

“How can you be so sure?” His eyes are pleading. This moment could make or break his hope. I have to stay strong for my best friend, the love of my life.

The words come out like I’ve known them all my life. They spill from my lips without a single hesitation. “Because we made it through all that shit that was thrown at us when we first met.” He still doesn’t seem convinced. “Not to mention all the shit in the past three years.”

He looks at me with sad eyes, “I’m so sorry about those days Liam”

That’s not my point, I’m trying to make him feel better not put him down in the dumps, so I add something that makes my heart flutter, “And I love you.” He smiles a little at that. His smile never fails to set off the butterflies.

“Thank you for being there Liam.” The look on his face is sincere. “I love you too.”

I don’t think he means it the way that I do but it’s good enough and I smile. “Don’t give up?”

“I won’t if you won’t” He says the words and a little bit of hope sparks inside me. If I can get Niall to stay strong too then I won’t have to worry so much about him. I know he’s always looked up to me and probably expects me to be the strong one, but even the strongest people have the moments when emotions take over. He doesn’t know how many times in my life I have cried. I try to be strong but sometimes the soft side of my takes over, and I’m pretty sensitive about it.

I take his face in my hand, “You don’t have to worry about me giving up.”

“I know.” His features seem a little more relaxed. My whole body aches with the want to tell him how I feel. The situation we’re in right now doesn’t need any more drama. If he doesn’t love me the way I love him I would feel like a terrible friend. It would probably ruin me. Not to mention it might ruin our friendship forever. And that’s just not something I’m willing to risk. The boy means way too much to me to lose him forever.

Then he does something I wouldn’t have expected in a million years.

Niall’s POV

Liam looks at me shocked. I instantly feel bad about saying it. His eyes go a little cloudy and I think I’ve made him think about the consequences of our situation. I know how hard it is to think about those things and now I’ve made my best friend go through that hurt too.

I’m a pretty suck ass friend. Liam on the other hand has always been there for me. Since I’ve known him he’s stood up for me in the most ridiculous situations that I’ve gotten us in. He’s always protected me even though sometimes I honestly don’t think I would have done the same if our roles were reversed.

Every time after I had done something stupid I would feel so bad about getting Liam involved that I would do the most dramatic things to make it up to him.

I won’t ever forget the way that Liam has been there for me and if I catch myself mad at him all I have to do is think about the good times.

He brushes some hair out of my eyes and his touch overwhelms me inside. “Niall don’t give up yet. We’ll find a way out of this.” I can see the stress in his face. Oh no, I’ve made him worry again. Fuck. Why does he even care about me anymore? I’m just a worthless piece of shit. Honestly, if I was in Liam’s place I would have given up so long ago.

Liam has always been the strong one, but I don’t understand how he’s even calm under these circumstances. “How can you be so sure?”

The doubtful words are barely out of my mouth before Liam speaks, “Because we made it through all that shit that was thrown at us when we first met.” It was true, I put him through so much hell in those days. It’s impossible to regret anything more than how much I regret those days. “Not to mention all the shit in the past three years.”

I look at him and sincerely say, “I’m so sorry about those days Liam.” The words don’t even cover a quarter of how sorry I am about that shit.

Then he says something that takes me by surprise, “And I love you.” I smile. Liam really loves me. I don’t even deserve his love. And yet I smile like an idiot when he finally says it.

“Thank you for being there Liam.” I try to say it as seriously as I can. Then I add the words that I’ve always wanted to tell him. “I love you too.” He smiles and the fact that I was able to make him smile makes me unexplainably happy.

“Don’t give up?” He asks and I know if I give up it’ll probably break him.

“I won’t if you won’t” I tell him honestly. The least I can do for Liam is stay hopeful. He’s done way too much for me to give up on him now.

He takes my face in his hands and it’s not awkward. If feels good. “You don’t have to worry about me giving up.” I hear the comforting words come from his lips but really I’m just thinking about his hands caressing my face.

“I know.” I whisper and his stress seems to go away a little.

His hands are still on my face and I don’t want them to ever leave. I don’t want Liam to ever leave. What i want for him is to never let go. What if he doesn’t love me like that? I don’t care. If he doesn’t then it will probably awkward, but if he does it will be like heaven. I look into his eyes. His chocolate brown eyes, getting closer and closer to my blue ones, I’m leaning in without even really realizing it. My eyes flutter closed and then it finally happens. My lips gently press against his.


Author's Note: I honestly really love this chapter(; let me know if you do too!

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