White Impact: Ch. 2- Hold on Tight

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Niall’s POV

“Shit.” I barely squeak as we look out the window.

“Shit. Shit. Shit.” Liam seems to be in the same state I am. What the fuck are we going to do? At least we’re in one of the upper floors of the hotel, but the skyscraper might not last long if a giant wave crashes into it. Liam’s the one who takes action first. “WE NEED TO GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOWS!” he grabs my hand and I don’t even have time to think about how weird it is. He grabs his suitcase and I grab mine, they’re little so it’s not too much trouble. We sprint out of the room and into the hallway.

That’s when the lights go out. They flicker at first but then the hallway is barely light enough to see Liam’s features. I’m shivering again, but this time it’s from fear and not the cold. We brace ourselves against the wall and Liam puts his arm around me.  I can feel Liam’s heart beating out of his chest. He’s just as scared as I am.

I scoot closer to him and hold on for dear life. I’m counting the seconds. It couldn’t be too long now before the wave hits. I get to 17 and it hits. The impact is jarring. It feels like twenty earthquakes on top of each other. I scream and I can see in the dim light that Liam is trying hard to keep himself composed. Suddenly we start sliding down to the other side of the hallway. Either this whole building is going down or it’s swaying, and it’s swaying badly. It seems like forever before we hear the creaking. It starts to sway the other way. Maybe we will be okay. Maybe we can find a way out of this mess. I faint.


In the dream I’m in a white abyss. Where’s Liam? I rub my head. I probably look like a zombie. Is this Heaven? Am I dead? A white staircase to nowhere with a heavenly glow at the top appears. An angel makes it’s way down gracefully. Yep, this is Heaven, and I’m dead. Well shit. What are my last regrets? Am I going to be accepted? Oh fuck, I cussed in Heaven. AH. I’m Irish, He will forgive me for that… right?

The angel makes it to the bottom of the staircase and approaches me silently. I realize it’s Liam. Hold on… Liam? Why is he in Heaven? Wait… he’s not even wearing white. He’s in a maroon shirt matched with khaki pants and vans. I attempt a few words, “L-Liam? Why are you in Heaven?”

He just looks at me like I’m stupid, “Niall… this isn’t Heaven.”

I’m so confused. “If this isn’t Heaven, what is it?”

Liam chuckles a little, “You’ve only passed out, love.” Wait love? Did Liam Payne just call me love? I must have hit my head or something.

Suddenly his face changes and it becomes nervous, “Niall? NIALL?!” he shakes my shoulders, but I just look at him confused.

Liam’s POV

“Shit.” He whispers next to me. Yeah shit is right!

“Shit. Shit. Shit.” What the fuck are we supposed to do?! We’re sitting ducks! If we stay here and the wave hits, if we don’t die from wave itself we’ll die from the glass of the windows. “WE NEED TO GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOWS!” I grab Niall’s hand and pull him away from the window. We both grab the suitcases and sprint through the door.

The lights flicker and go out. It’s like a scene from The Titanic. We brace ourselves against the wall and just wait. Niall starts shivering, but I don’t think it’s from the cold. I put my arm around him and realize he’s still in his boxers. It doesn’t matter. I hug him tighter. He wraps his arms around me and if this wasn’t such a freaking outrageous situation maybe I could have enjoyed his affection. Although I’m not sure it’s affection as much as it is pure fright. I hope he can’t feel how hard my heart is beating. I think I might be more afraid than he is.

That’s when it hits. The whole building rumbles and it feels like an earthquake, except I think it’s much worse than a measly earthquake. Niall screams. ‘Keep your composure Liam.’ I tell myself. If I panic it won’t help Niall at all. I know how easily he’s influenced, especially after all the time we’ve spent together. If I’m going to die tonight at least I’ll die with Niall. A tear streams down my face. ‘Don’t say your goodbyes yet.’ My conscious tells me, but it’s hard not to. We’re in a completely fucked situation.

We start sliding down to the other side of the hallway and all I can think is, ‘Wow, we really are going to go down with the ship.’ But this is not the Titanic and we have a chance that the building is only swaying. Oh God, please let it only sway, if this thing goes over we’re done. Think positive. It seems like forever and my heart almost can’t take the fast beats but the building slowly rocks the other way.

All of the sudden Niall’s body goes limp in my arms. Fuck Niall, this is not what we need right now. “Niall? NIALL?!” Shit. There’s no response. I pull him onto my lap and hold him close. I can feel his shallow breathing on my neck. He’s alive, we can make it through this. But then I realize, “NIALL WAKE UP! IF WE HAVE TO RUN I WON’T BE ABLE TO CARRY YOU FAR!!” still no response. I shake his shoulders. “Goddammit Niall! WAKE UP YOU FUCKING LEPRECHAUN!” His head moves on my shoulder and I can feel his eyelashes flutter against my neck. “Niall?” I whisper.

“Leyummmm…” His breathing picks up but he’s almost hyperventilating. “Liam! Where are we?!” Then the realization sets in and he looks up at me with frantic eyes.

“Shhh..” I can’t stand his panic. If he goes full panic mode I might too. I stroke his hair softly and his breathing slows and now it’s back to normal.

“Liam what are we going to do?” he doesn’t try to slide off my lap but instead snuggles closer.

“I honestly have no idea.” I wrap my arms tight around him and wait. It’s really all we can do. Wait. Wait for morning? Wait to die…?

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