White Impact: Ch. 3- Chaos.

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Niall’s POV

I wake up and stretch. Ooh… my neck’s stiff. It’s freezing balls in here! Liam did you turn on the air conditioning? My snot’s freaking freezing in my nose. Wait… whose arm is this? I roll over and realize it’s Liam’s. I can feel his breath on my neck. It’s warm and quite soothing actually. “Mmmm…” I involuntarily breathe the sound. My body aches all over. What happened last night? I bring my hand up to wipe the sleeping dust from my eyes and I see how pale my skin is.

That’s when it hits me. It hits me like the wave all over again. What the fuck happened? The light of the morning is blinding. I ease Liam’s warm arm off of me and struggle to stand up. Holy shit no wonder I’m freezing, I’m only in boxers. Liam looks just as terrible as I feel.

I look at the door to our hotel room. It’s open a little. I take the short step toward it and hear my breathing get heavier. I take the leap and hesitantly push the door open. The only thing out of the ordinary is that the window is broken. Liam was right. I approach the window, being extra careful to avoid the glass.

I glance at the alarm clock. It’s out. So is every light I’ve seen so far. I take a blanket from the bed and wrap it around myself. I continue on to the window. Flashbacks come at me like wasps.

And then we see it. A huge wave. Coming straight for us.

I imagine Liam grabbing my hand and us running out of the room. I shake my head and try to gather myself. I have to focus. We need to figure out how serious of trouble we’re actually in. I look out at what we once called New York City. It’s chaos.

The flooding is severe. The water is at least one and a half stories tall. How the fuck are we going to get out of here? Looking across the skyline, I realize it’s barely a skyline anymore. Only half of the Empire State Building still stands. The rest is nowhere to be seen. It must be under the water. A few other buildings have buckled under the stress of the wave. I feel sick. Will I ever get home? Will we even survive this? Has the rest of the world experienced something like this?

I see things floating in the water and in a sickening moment I realize what they are. I stumble away from the window and surprisingly my feet don’t get cut. I feel like I’m going to puke. I sit on the bed. I pull my knees to my chest and rock like a child. I wrap the blanket around my shoulders and get lost in thought.

I can’t believe what we’ve been through. And now that I think about it… Liam’s arm around me this morning wasn’t awkward at all. It felt… right. Why am I thinking about this now? The world around me is in complete chaos and I’m thinking about Liam? Is that a sign? No. I brush the thought off and focus on my situation.

New York City is flooded. Is the Statue of Liberty still standing? I look at the window. No, I’m not going to look again. Just the thought of all the people who must have died makes me queasy. How many people are still out there? Are Liam and I the only ones left? Doubtful. If we survived other people must have too. Why haven’t I heard anyone in the hotel yet? The elevators obviously won’t work but maybe the stairs? How much of the east coast is under water? What happened to Florida and the snow? Is that news reporter dead too? I feel sick again.

Then a thought pops into my mind. A thought of all the conspiracies. Could the prophecies be true? Is this, in fact, the end of the world?

Liam’s POV

I wake up and feel like I’ve been sleeping on the floor. Then I realize I was asleep on the floor. Wait where’s Niall? Shouldn’t he be next to me? Then I realize what happened last night. Shit. “Niall?” I call out his name to an empty hallway.

“I’m in here Liam.” The response comes from our hotel room. I get up and my legs barely hold my weight. I grip the wall to steady myself. I stumble into the room as fast as I can. I see Niall on the bed. His eyes are red and puffy. His skin is pale and I can only assume that it’s from the cold. I can see both of us breathing and it’s almost a friendly reminder that we’re both alive, but it also means something’s not right.

Niall’s blue eyes don’t leave the spot on the bed where he’s been staring. His gorgeous eyes are red rimmed and I can’t take it. I sit down on the bed next to him and he puts half of the blanket around my shoulders without moving his eyes. His body is freezing against mine. “Niall?” I whisper and put my arm around him. “Are you okay?” he just shakes his head and a tear falls from his perfect eyes. It runs down his face and slides off the end of his chin. It makes a splat on the sheets.

His features are full of sadness. It’s like his whole being is frowning. I pull him into my chest and stroke his hair. “Niall what has you so sad?”

The response I get wasn’t expected at all. “Liam. The window. It’s like a gateway to hell.”

I look him in the eyes for the first time this morning and he gestures toward it. I look at him questioningly but he just gestures to the window again. I get up and cautiously approach the window. I let out an audible gasp. There are only very few buildings left still standing. The rest lay every which way. The sight is horrifying. It looks like something straight out of a movie.

“Look in the water.” Niall whispers. I look back at him and his face looks like he’s just seen a ghost. I look back at the water and realize there are bodies floating in it. I look back at Niall and he has a sullen look on his face.

I try to compose myself for the both of us and walk back to the bed. The shock must still register on my face, because Niall holds out his arms. I take the offer in a heartbeat and the world gets a little better. I snuggle close to him under the covers and I can feel his body warming up. He is freezing to the touch.

“Liam?” He says after about ten minutes.


“I think this is the end of the world.”

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