White Impact: Ch. 16: React part 2

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Author's Note: Hey guys! So, as promised, I have written the second half of chapter sixteen! Of course it had to be Liam's point of view! So anyways, I hope you like it! Don't forget to comment and vote! xx

Liam’s POV

I’ve been up all night. I have no idea what time it is but I know it’s only a few hours until sunrise. The wind didn’t get too bad; it is eerily calm in all honesty. I watch as the flowers ruffle in a breeze and the tarp flutters a bit beneath us. Even in the moonlight the flowers are gorgeous. I wonder if there were ever butterflies that lived among them. I wonder what happened to them if there were. I rub my eyes and stare up at the stars, the darkness of night hiding us from the warm comfort of sunlight. The moon stares back at me, like a face that watches every move we make.

For some reason it almost comforts me. To think that there’s something watching over us. But then another breeze wafts itself through my hair and I remember how cruel the world actually is. How we could die if we’re not careful enough. The thought sends fear through my veins and my muscles tense up in reaction. I put my arm protectively around Niall and instantly relax a bit. I think we’re probably all afraid of death in one way or another. Maybe you’re afraid of the pain it literately is to die, or maybe you’re afraid of what will come after death. Will there be a heaven or hell? Will we be reincarnated? Will we come back as ghosts? Will our existence just come to an abrupt end- just like that. No thoughts or emotions?

I look down at the one person I hope will be there when we’re gone. I hope it’s more than that. I really, truly, hope that when- if- this ever comes to an end that it will be just like now. Not that I particularly want to be freezing on a roof while the world ends, but I hope the love will still be there. I hope we can hold each other and watch as our grandchildren grow up and have children of their own. I hope I can still wake up and kiss the person I love a cheery good-morning. I hope it will be more than rotting in the earth and being eaten by worms.

Niall’s chest rises and falls beneath my arm. Tonight has been cold, sure, but I am warm with the thought of him.  That probably sounded cheesy. In fact, most of the things I say are probably ridiculously cheesy, but I don’t care because it’s all true. No one could understand how much I love Niall. How much I need him. If there was anyone around maybe they’d be laughing at us. Or shunning us. But it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters except the fact that he’s asleep in my arms.


In the morning I open my eyes; slowly rubbing the sleeping dust from them. What I see is magnificent. The sun rises out of the skyline inch by inch, slowly but surely and I watch it for a while; I watch it change the colours of the sky like a painter and his canvas. I am fully awake before Niall even shows any signs of stirring, and judging by the way his arm is hanging limply over the side of the bench, there’s no way of telling when he’ll get up. I slide my arm out from under him carefully and he stirs ever-so-slightly so I stop, just for a moment, but continue when I see that his breaths have slowed to calm pace again.

I get up and reach toward the sky, sighing as my back muscles thank me, sore after a night on the cold, rather uncomfortable, metal. I open and close my hand slowly, trying to ease the tingling feeling from Niall lying across it. It’s almost a wonder it didn’t completely lose circulation. I look over at Niall again and the sun casts shadows across his face, illuminating the now blonde-brown of his hair. It’s amazing that just a few weeks ago it was completely blonde. I carefully push a lock from his face, admiring the way my fingers linger on his cheek light as a feather. 

I wonder what he’s dreaming about. Is he even dreaming? Am I in his dream? I hope it’s not a nightmare. It hurts to see him so scared after those; knowing I can’t- in all honesty- help. The look on his face is so serene it’s probably impossible he’s having a bad dream.

I stand up straight again and look about the garden; spinning in circles to get a full view of the place. There must be something for us to eat around here. My tummy gurgles as if the thought provoked it. The sun is pretty much fully above the skyline now, and it would be beaming down on us if it weren’t for the shade of the trees and the cool grasp of the air.

At least I can’t see my breath anymore, but I can still feel the nip of the wind that remains from last night. I walk to the trees and inspect them. Most of them are plain old decorative plants, but I spot one near the edge of the roof with apples dangling off the branches. I walk over to it and stare at it dumbfounded. How is this even possible? Never once in my life did I think I would be so happy to see an apple tree but my mouth is probably on the ground regardless.

I pick one off of the lowest branch and just marvel at it for a moment before wiping it on my shirt and taking a bite; savoring the popping sound that it makes as my teeth pierce the dark red skin. The sweet juice slides over my tongue and I smile. Just how in the world this happened I have no idea, but I’m happy it did. It’s not necessarily right next to the fire escape but it’s a wonder that we didn’t notice it before.

I sit on the edge of the roof with my legs dangling off the side and just admire the city. With every bite the apple satisfies my grumbling tummy just that much more. I eat until all that’s left is the stem and some seeds. I dawdle and pick out some of the seeds and push them into the soil.

Who knows? Maybe they’ll make new apple trees someday.

I throw the remnants of the apple as far as I can and it flies all the way over the roof of the building next to ours. Whoa. How did I even do that? So much emotion built up inside me probably. Frustration. I can’t exactly let it out on Niall, because I fear- scratch that- I know it would break him. If I can’t even maintain composure why should he? I don’t have the answer. I don’t think I ever will. Because we have to rely on each other. It’s how it’s always been and, although it sounds kind of selfish, I hope it always will be too.

I stand up from the ledge and the hunger instantly hits me again like a bullet to the stomach. I look up at the apple tree and see one of the most picturesque apples ever- did I really just say that? But really, it looks like something out of a food magazine. You know- those ones that look real but are actually plastic? I gaze up at it for a while and wonder how I’ll reach it. The ledge is a little higher up so I stand on that, my fingers stretching out as far as humanly possible; my feet lifting my body up to the tips of my toes.

And then I lose my footing.

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