White Impact: Ch. 18- Whirlwind

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Author's Note: Heyo! I know, I know. It took for freakin ever. I'm sorry. Again... So anyways, this chapter's dedicated to @Jos123B because he's the only one who's consistently on my arse to get this thing goin haha(: In relatively unrelated news, it would be cool if you could all go check out my new youtube channel(: youtube.com/thatonevloggerchick thank you lovelies! xx(:

p.s. as always, comment what you think below and vote! love ya(:


Liam’s POV

I stare at him confused for a moment and then it dawns on me, “The medicine we left in the room?” He nods and my hand jerks back. “What?! Are you crazy?! No. I am not letting you do that. It’s too dangerous.”

“Liam, I can do this.” He stares hard at me. He stares so intently that for a moment I start to wonder if it would be alright to let him go. But I can’t do that. I can’t let him go. That’s just pure ludicrous. He could fall.  Or worse, he could die.

“Niall. You’re being irrational. You’d have to jump… and… I just. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” Niall’s  gaze drops to his clasped hands. I can’t believe what he’s just said. Doesn’t he realize the danger that it would put him in? I can’t have that. I can’t let him do this.

The next words that come from his mouth are barely a whisper, “You don’t think I can do it.” He doesn’t say it like a question but more of a statement; a statement that stabs me like a knife. He has it all wrong. Of course he could do it, but the risk in itself is too much to handle. How could I just sit here and twiddle my thumbs while he goes risking his life. Suddenly I understand how army wives feel when their husbands are shipped off to distant countries; places where people would kill them without a second thought.

“What? No. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” It’s the truth; kind of. My heart beat picks up speed. I can’t let him take the risk. There’s no chance in hell. For fuck’s sake, why did I have to fall off that goddamn ledge? I should have been more careful. Why the fuck was I reaching for that apple anyway? I was just so hungry. I look up at him. He still refuses to even glance at me. “Niall, look at me.” But he looks away toward the trees. I suppose I can understand why he thought what he thought, I would probably be just as pissed if I was in his place too.

His shoulders slump and he sighs, raising a hand to his cheek and I realize he does this to wipe away a tear. God, I hate when he cries. It hurts. I reach out and touch his face; my fingers finding his chin line and pulling it toward me. Drops escape from those beautiful oceans and it makes my heart hurt. He removes his hand and just looks at me, a blank stare on his face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him without emotion. All the time I’ve known him he’s always been so bubbly and funny and adorable… and… now he’s emotionless. I don’t think I could even pull such a blank expression.

My thumb catches the next drop.

Niall has cried before; but not like this. This time he’s not crying because of our situation, or because he’s hurt; he’s crying because of me. I made him cry. I did this to him. My hand shakes a little bit and the words get caught in my throat. I want to say how sorry I am. I want to say that I’m wrong, and he should go, but I can’t. I can’t. I can’t because of the risk of losing him. He might be the last person I have left. He definitely is here anyway. We don’t even know what’s going on outside of the city, much less outside this garden.

“Niall…” I barely choke it out, “I just… I don’t know what I would do without you.” His shoulders stay slumped.  “I know you can do it, but I don’t want to take that risk; however small it may be.”  Tears continue to fall down his cheeks and onto my awaiting hand. All I can do is take in his features. They’re so beautiful and the thought of never being able to see them again stabs me like a dagger. What would I do without you? “Niall..?”

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