White Impact: Ch. 11- Collide

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Niall’s POV

My foot slips. My entire life flashes before my eyes. There are so many ways to die during Armageddon and I’m going to fucking slip off of a fire escape?! In not even a second I remember things that I had long forgotten. I remember how when I was really young my mum used to sing me to sleep. I remember when my dad left. I remember how before he left he would play football with me out in the yard. I remember how devastated I was when my brother Greg left us. I always had looked up to him. I remember how I used to cut myself in hopes it would make everything better. I remember how lost I was.  

I remember how angry my mother was when she saw my bags in the front yard. I remember all the letters she wrote in apology. I remember the day I walked into that London café and minutes later found two chocolate brown eyes looking back at me. I remember how a sweet stranger came and sat by me even though I had the world’s shittiest clothes on. I remember how much he stood up for me.

Suddenly I feel a tight grasp on my arm. Those thoughts must have been like flashes of lightening, maybe even quicker, because I haven’t fallen yet. My eyes shoot up to see a panicked looking Liam clinging desperately to my right arm. We’re both breathing hard. I see his lips moving but I don’t hear sound.

It’s like the world has gone silent. The silence is deafening. Liam. What is he saying? I look at him confused and he tries to pull me over, but isn’t strong enough. I’m hanging off the side of a fire escape. I look down. I almost feel like being sick. There’s nothing below me. The only thing below me is water. Water… hundreds of feet below. I panic and my free hand goes shooting up to Liam’s arm.

I look at him, and I can see his neck muscles straining as he tries to hold on to my weight. Reality comes shooting back like a pistol. The sounds come back. The first thing that fills my ears is Liam’s voice. “Niall… fuck..” He almost never swears. “Come on, help me,” My body starts to react, “good! Now pull yourself up!” I feel my arms and abs flex as I try to pull myself up.

I was never very strong. I’m probably only good for one or two pull ups. Well here it goes anyway… I give it all I can and with Liam’s help I go flying of the railing and land on top of him Titanic style.

All hell breaks loose. In my fucked up brain that is. HOLY SHIT. I COULD HAVE MOTHERFUCKING DIED RIGHT THERE. LIAM FUCKING SAVED ME. HOLY SHIT. I look up at Liam from his chest and just fucking loose it. Tears stream from my eyes like Niagra motherfucking Falls.

I can literately feel my heartbeat against Liam’s tummy. It’s pounding so hard I feel like I’m going to burst. It hammers against my chest. Liam wraps his arms around me. I can’t help but drown myself in his embrace. I owe my life to Liam.

If it weren’t for Liam I would have been a goner. I would be one of the bodies right now. I shudder. I feel Liam’s embrace get tighter but I still feel shaken. I almost died today. I could have perished. What would Liam do if I had died? If I didn’t have him with me I would probably consider joining the man on the fire escape…

My breath comes in quick sobs. Tears stream down my face like a river. Liam’s hand caresses me while he waits for me to calm down.

I lift my eyes to look into my angel’s. He’s looking at the sky. It makes me wonder if we’ll get out of this okay. His eyes close and he breathes deeply for a moment. I rise and fall with his chest. I close my eyes too. I can hear Liam’s heartbeat. It’s a soft patter that makes me feel tingly inside. My sobs subside and I focus completely on his heart. It must be bigger than a normal person’s. He is basically my savior. Scratch that, he is my savior.

I sigh. The world is coming to an end and all we have is each other. I open my eyes and watch as the clouds pass us by. They seem unaffected by everything that has happened. I wish I could be like the clouds… carefree. We lay there on the fire escape for a while.

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