White Impact: Ch. 7- Falling

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Liam’s POV

I push the door open. Everything comes rushing at me like wind. I scream. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT?! “LIAM?!”  Wow, I feel stupid, it was just a bird. It was black. The feathers had shown in the light for a split second and made them look blue. It takes a moment to realize it was a crow. I look over at Niall and he has a panicked expression on his face, but he still hasn’t turned to see the room. I haven’t seen much of it yet either. But wait, crows signify…

“I-I’m okay Niall. I think it was just a b-bird” I stutter and I really don’t think it helps his nerves at all. He doesn’t even look convinced that it was a bird. He probably thinks I’m lying.  I take a breath and shake off the thought.

“Wh-wh-what’s in there?” He stutters the words worse than I did and now I can really tell he’s freaked out. Who wouldn’t be? This trip has been the worst mistake of our lives. It might be the last mistake of our lives. We’re in a foreign country and it seems like the world is ending. I smack myself upside the head before anyone else has to. I have to get these stupid thoughts out of my head.

If we weren’t supposed to be here we would have never bought the plane tickets. Everything happens for a reason right? That reason might be me and Niall. I don’t think we would have kissed if the moment in the room didn’t happen. Although I don’t think that it was just because of the stress of the situation.

I’m getting off topic. I still have goose bumps from the crow. I shiver at the thought of it. Why was it in the room in the first place?

I survey what I can see of the room from the doorway. The door had bounced back off of the wall when I first tried to open it so it’s only open a little more than it was before. I don’t really see anything. I can tell the window’s blown out but it doesn’t look like how ours was. “I can’t really see anything from here.” Niall looks at me wearily.

I don’t think he’s ready to see it if there is something in the room. He’s freaked out enough as it is. “Wait here.” I tell him.

“What?! You’re going in? Are you off your fucking rocker?!” I can see his chest rising and falling quicker than it was before. He doesn’t think that it is a good idea but what the heck are we supposed to do? Just sit here and wait? No.

“We need to see if there’s anything we can use in there.” He looks up and down the dark hall nervously but nods. I realize he might be scared of the dark. I wouldn’t want to sit out here by myself either. But I think he’d rather stay out here than go in the room.

I take a step toward the door and he grabs a hold of my arm. I look over at him questioningly. He presses his lips to mine before I go. I laugh, “Niall, it’s not like I’m going into combat.”

He blushes a little, “I know; I just felt like I had to.” He tries a smile but his lip quivers. I kiss him one more time to reassure him and turn back to the room. I take a few cautious steps into the room. I can feel my heart hammering against my chest. I still haven’t gotten over the crow incident. I don’t know why it scared me so bad. I guess it was just the unexpectedness of it.

The first thing I do is look in the bathroom, because it is the first thing past the entrance door. There’s nothing in there but I see toiletries on the sink. I inch toward the bedroom part. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I jump around the corner before I can stop myself. Nothing. There’s nothing! Or no one more like. There is, however, a suitcase. So there must have been someone here. I look one more time all over just to be sure. Then I call to Niall, “Nialler! There’s no one in here!” I hear his footsteps patter along as he comes in.

His face looks white, even paler than it usually is. His eyes are closed as he walks slowly in. I go over to him and slide my arms around his shoulders. He jumps a bit but then I whisper in his ear. “It’s okay no one’s here.” I stroke his hair.

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