Akatsuki x Friendly!Strong!Reader | Headcanons

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Request: Akatsuki with a " over-friendly s/o." But when she on the battlefield she is brutal and tends to torture them not giving a care if she gets blood on her hands and right after the battlefield she back to being the " sweet, loving, caring s/o." ! There you go! Thank you for answering it I want to make sure you weren't uncomfortable so here the request again!🌺💐🍡

Warnings: Mentions of blood and violence


♡ Tobi

♥ Tobi loves how sweet and kind you are, always checking up on him and praising him, even if he's not doing anything noteworthy

♥ So, once he sees the way you fight, it briefly terrifies him and he wonders if he's even looking at the same person

♥ This isn't some genjutsu right? This isn't someone just doing a very poor job at imitating you?

♥ Hell, he practically has to pull you off of the Jinchuuriki, because they need it alive

♥ And right after the battle, you're back to your sweet and innocent self, running your hands up and down Tobi's shoulders, making sure that he's okay even though you basically did everything in that fight

♥ It takes a few battles for Tobi to realize that that's just the way you fight, and even though it made him kind of nervous at first he's glad to have an s/o that isn't afraid to get their hands dirty

♡ Pain

♥ Pain likes your kind nature, but at first he worried it would get in the way of the ultimate goal of the Akatsuki, he worried you wouldn't be able to bring yourself to hurt someone even if it was for the good of the organization

♥ Psh, he was wrong

♥ He was shocked by the way you fought, and he didn't know whether to feel relieved or like he had a whole new problem on his hands

♥ Darling, we need them alive, make them pay, don't make them spray

♥ He's glad that you return to your peaceful and sweet self after every battle, but it's not quite as sweet when you're covered in blood

♥ Eventually, he starts to get used to your brutal style and even expects it after awhile, using it to his advantage on particularly rigorous missions

♡ Itachi

♥ Itachi loves you for your caring and understanding nature, but like Pain, he had his doubts at first on whether or not you really belonged in Akatsuki

♥ But seeing the way you loved to brutally attack and torture your enemies, Itachi no longer doubted that you fit in with the Akatsuki

♥ He wondered what kind of life you must have lead to have a personality like yours, though he isn't one to judge

♥ So sickeningly sweet, but raising hell when you needed to, it was an odd but versatile combination

♥ Itachi's just thankful that you return back to your kind and calm demeanor after every fight, he isn't sure what he'd do if you didn't

♡ Kisame

♥ Kisame thinks your sweet little cinnamon roll side is cute and endearing

♥ But once he sees your brutal and murderous side he can't get enough of it

♥ He never would have imagined his cute little s/o could be so vicious and it turns him on

♥ In the beginning he thought he'd have to hide the sadistic part of himself from you, but strangely seeing your fighting style made him feel more connected to you

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