Deidara x Mute!Reader | Headcanons

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Request: okay.. quite new to your following here, but ive just binge read a years worth of content, gone over your masterlist & rules and I couldn't for my little life find a deidara-centric request so.. i'm here with greedily open palms to plea for some dei content revolving around a mute partner who communicates through writing and gesture--any pronouns are fine :') i just am addicted to the concept of him being so drawn to this person that he finds himself staring, awe-laden at his silent muse any time theyre in his line of sight. speechless, even, hahaha. -anonymime

Warnings: None


‹ Deidara couldn't help but be captivated when he first saw you

‹ You were so... beautiful, and he knew from the moment he saw you what love was

‹ Growing up he always hated those cheesy poems and stories depicting "true love" and everything in the mushy category

‹ But once he saw you it all made sense

‹ He knew you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, he finally understood what people meant about "love at first sight"

‹ Blinking himself out of his stupor, he'd push himself to talk to you, he couldn't let you slip away after all

‹ He'd be surprised though when instead of verbally replying to his greeting, you make hand signs

‹ Operating in the Explosion Corp before he defected, it was part of his training to know sign, since explosions posed a great risk of deafening someone, and there were already many in his corp that had hearing issues, specifically due to their line of work

‹ It was also just a good skill to have as a ninja, since you could communicate soundlessly and efficiently

‹ Due to his loud nature, Deidara hadn't really had much use of it after leaving the Explosion Corp, but he was suddenly very glad that he knew it

‹ Signing back, Deidara smiled widely

Hey there, I couldn't help but notice you. You're very attractive.

‹ He felt a little embarrassed as he made the hand signs, but you didn't seem to mind the compliment, smiling as you signed back

Thank you, I can hear you though. I am only mute.

‹ Widening his eyes, Deidara's mouth formed a silent "oh"

‹ "W-Well, I just wanted to say something to you. Y-You're just so- so- I don't know, un." Deidara blushed, and he'd have to consciously stop himself from signing the words as he spoke.

‹ He's a lot less put together than usual, worrying about what you would think of him. He didn't want to muck up his first impression with you

‹ You didn't judge him for it, if anything you thought his flusteredness was cute, and you both hit it off

‹ Once you get together, Deidara would be kind of... dreamy

‹ Like he couldn't believe he actually got the person of his dreams

‹ He'd always be sweet with you, telling you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you

‹ You probably wouldn't ever fight, unless it was over your safety

‹ You're just so perfect-! He couldn't bare losing you

‹ He's not even sure how he lived without you in the first place

‹ There's just... something about you that just... utterly captivates him

‹ He feels like he could stare at you forever

‹ And sometimes he likes to mimic your little gestures; like signing "love" or leaving you cute little notes complimenting you or telling you how much he loves you

‹ It's so sweet <3

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