Akatsuki x Reader | First Kiss Headcanons

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Request: Can i request Akatsuki members + how their first kiss happened with their s/o? 💌

Warnings: Slightly NSFW, nothing too explicit


⮞ Tobi

🠺 You had to trick him

🠺 You were so tired of him avoiding the subject you decided to just go for it

🠺 You two went out to get dango and right as he turned and lifted his mask up to eat you grabbed him

🠺 Tobi didn't immediately understand what was happening so he didn't resist, but when your lips met his he froze

🠺 It took him a second to react, kissing you back shakily as he blushed

⮞ Pain

🠺 You two were alone

🠺 Pain was looking out over Amegakure, and you were sitting next to him, admiring a...different view

🠺 Watching Pain's face you couldn't help but trail your gaze down to his lips

🠺 Not being able to resist the temptation, you said Pain's name

🠺 And when he faced you, you leaned in and pecked his lips, pulling away not a moment later to see his bemused expression

⮞ Itachi

🠺 He expected it

🠺 He saw the way your eyes would flicker towards his lips and then how you'd blush and look away

🠺 Eventually, he just asked you straight out

🠺 "Love, would you mind if I kissed you?"

🠺 You were a blushing stuttering mess but you nodded nonetheless, mentally preparing yourself for his lips on yours

🠺 They were indeed as soft as you thought they were

⮞ Kisame

🠺 You were really curious as to what Kisame lips would feel like against yours, and you were starting to get restless

🠺 So in the midst of conversation with him you decided you were done waiting

🠺 It wasn't exactly a surprise though

🠺 You couldn't really reach Kisame's mouth on your own so you had to pull on his collar and make kissy lips at him

🠺 He laughed a bit and you might have even seen him blush as he leaned down to meet your lips

⮞ Kakuzu

🠺 You had wanted to kiss Kakuzu for a while

🠺 Since you two were together, you were around Kakuzu while he was maskless fairly often

🠺 And having such an unhindered view of his face really made you want to kiss him

🠺 So one day, when you two were alone, you decided to make a move

🠺 You asked first of course, for safety purposes

🠺 Silent for a moment, Kakuzu wordlessly leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, moving in an experienced way that had you dizzy...before going back to what he was doing as if nothing happened

⮞ Konan

🠺 Konan's lips were just so pretty

🠺 They looked soft and cute, just like the rest of her, not to mention the cute little labret piercing that adorned her bottom lip

🠺 You couldn't help but lean in and give her a smooch, before she even finished her sentence

🠺 Conversation long forgotten, Konan could only stare at you with her mouth open as you pulled back, giggling at her bemused look

⮞ Sasori

🠺 Sasori wasn't really clear on why you wanted to kiss him

🠺 You had come to him asking if you two could try it, knowing he probably wouldn't respond well to just kissing him out of the blue

🠺 He didn't really get the purpose of it, but he agreed nonetheless

🠺 "Women sure like to do useless things, don't they? Hn, if it will appease you, my dear."

🠺 He was surprised at the pleasant sensation, giving him a tingle he didn't know he could experience as a puppet

⮞ Deidara

🠺 Deidara was actually the one that initiated your first kiss

🠺 You two had been spending time together, watching a sunset, maybe

🠺 But all Deidara could focus on was your lips, and he wondered if they were as soft as they looked

🠺 As you were talking about something, maybe getting food, his patience ran out and he leaned in to taste your lips

🠺 You were surprised, pleasantly surprised, but still surprised as he pulled away, blushing

⮞ Hidan

🠺 It probably didn't take long for you two to have your first kiss

🠺 Hidan has no self-control

🠺 It was a special one, though

🠺 He pushed your hair behind your ear, and promptly leaned in to press his lips against yours, flicking his tongue out to taste you

🠺 If you're especially shy, he'll smirk and tease you when get flustered by his insistent tongue

⮞ Zetsu

🠺 White Zetsu had come to you, asking what a kiss was

🠺 Black Zetsu knew, but he witheld the information just to see what would happen

🠺 Once you got over your surprise, you giggled and asked if he wanted you to show him

🠺 Being none the wiser, Zetsu nodded, freezing when you started getting closer to his face and showing no signs of stopping

🠺 Once you pressed your lips against his, Zetsu blushed furiously, not quite prepared for the intimacy you were offering

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