Akatsuki x Strong!Reader | Headcanons

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Request: Hey again, I was wondering if you can do all Akatsuki with an s/o who is really strong like they can lift up heavy objects or carry them over their shoulder or bridal style

Warnings: Language, mentions of violence


◙ Tobi

◳ Tobi honestly loves it

◳ He'll run up to bear hug you and then you'll just turn the tables and pick him up and spin him around

◳ He thinks it's really attractive and your sheer strength is dizzying

◳ Or maybe that's from all the spinning

◳ Sometimes when he might get a little vulnerable you can just wrap your arms around him and make him feel safe in your strong arms

◙ Pain

◳ Your strength is fit for a goddess, of course

◳ It is to be expected, that the one who will create a new world with him must be powerful enough to make the world quake at their feet

◳ Though that doesn't mean Pain isn't restraining a blush when you destroy the ground underneath your opponent's feet, or offer to carry him <3

◳ He will strongly resist when you want to pick him up, he is a god, not your cute little wife, dammit!

◳ Wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into your chest is as far as he'll let you go maybe one day you can carry him on your shoulders, but not today :,)

◙ Itachi

◳ Itachi is very proud of you, you are very stronk

◳ He worries less about you when he knows that you can hold your own

◳ It humbles him when you effortlessly sweep him up in your arms

◳ He likes it though

◳ Itachi likes to cuddle with you, but in private

◳ He could not bear the teasing if Kisame found out he liked to be the little spoon

◙ Kakuzu

◳ It's one of the things that attracted him to you, to be honest

◳ A strong, seasoned warrior, he wouldn't have it any other way

◳ He likes elegant and independent women, he is not a brat tamer

He will be one if he has to though

◳ He'll get mad if you try to pick him up, and his ego will be just a little hurt if you succeed

◙ Kisame

◳ Kisame probably loves your strength the most out of all the other Akatsuki

◳ He just can't describe the happy and amused feeling he gets knowing you could literally deadlift him

◳ It looks so fucking ridiculous when he's on your shoulders and he just gets a kick out of it

◳ He would 100% let you pick him up, whenever

◳ Kisame also thinks it's super hot when you fight, he thinks you're totally amazing and he'd be your cheerleader if he didn't want to fight too

◙ Sasori

◳ Lowkey has PTSD from Sakura, but cool babe

◳ Sasori admires your strength, and has remarked that you would make for an interesting puppet

◳ You had to make him promise to keep his puppet-making hands to himself

◳ He doesn't want to be picked up or carried in any way, but sometimes you can surprise him and he'll just go with it

"Dear, what is the purpose of carrying me from place to place? Women like to do useless things don't they..."

◙ Deidara

◳ Deidara is so prideful about it

◳ He just wants to destroy Itachi with you

◳ It hurts his ego a little bit when you carry him but sometimes you have to because he does dumb shit like get both of his arms blown off in one day

◳ Sometimes he tries to rope you into his shenanigans with Tobi and get you to beat him up

"C'mon, un! Please! Just once, ya know...to teach him a lesson!"

◙ Hidan

◳ It turns him on so much wtf

◳ Loves to see you fuck a bitch up, even if that bitch is him

◳ Sometimes he'll let you carry him, if his ass is tired or something, but other times he'll be too prideful and say no

◳ Hidan honestly loves everything about how strong you are, and he lets you know that very explicitly

"Damn baby, you could literally put a whole through my heart...well, I guess you already have, haha."

◙ Konan

◳ Konan blushes and subtly cheers you on like a soccer mom

◳ She secretly loves it when you carry her bridal style

◳ (it makes her feel like a princess)

◳ Konan loves to watch you fight and assert your dominance, she thinks it's very hot

"You're doing great baby," or "You're so strong darling."

◙ Zetsu

◳ White Zetsu will blush and awe at you, practically with stars in his eyes

◳ Black Zetsu is less impressed, but he also admires your strength

◳ White Zetsu will blush if you pick him up, Black Zetsu will be embarrassed and probably snap at you.

◳ White Zetsu would beg to watch you fight and Black Zetsu would pretend that it's dumb but he secretly likes to watch too

"Your strength is...Truly amazing, darling! Just like you~...That's...not what I was going to say."

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