Itachi, Kisame, and Kakuzu x Reader | Parent Headcanons

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Request: ummm little different to your usual asks but what would Kisame, Itachi and Kakuzu be like as parents :,)

Warnings: Mentions of violence and gore


⮏ Itachi

⤍ Assuming Itachi was actually able to be there for his child, and still in the picture, Itachi would be a very supportive and caring father

⤍ He's empathetic, and he has a really big heart, combining that with the bond he'd have with his child, Itachi would want nothing more than to see them flourish and be happy

⤍ If they wanted to be a ninja, then he would happily teach them his own techniques, and guide them to reach great heights

⤍ If they didn't want to get involved with ninja though, Itachi wouldn't pressure them to, he'd let them pursue their own interests

⤍ He would still want to teach them self-defensive techniques though, even if just taijutsu, so that they can protect themselves incase they're ever in danger, especially if he was still in Akatsuki and they could possible be kidnapped for leverage

⮏ Kisame

⤍ Kisame would be an...interesting father

⤍ If he was still involved with the Akatsuki he probably wouldn't be there much for his child, but he'd make sure to visit them every once in a while to see how they were growing up with their mother/guardian

⤍ He would love his child immensely, but he would have trouble establishing a bond with them

⤍ He'd want them to become a swordsmen like he did, and he'd teach them from a young age not to be afraid of getting their hands dirty, or even spilling blood

⤍ If they don't want to become a ninja, then he'd be disappointed, but he'd try not to pressure them into it

⤍ Kisame would probably make a lot of stupid dad jokes too, and half of them are super morbid

⮏ Kakuzu

⤍ Kakuzu...probably wouldn't be the best father, off the bat

⤍ He wouldn't be there much for his child, especially if he was still involved with the Akatsuki

⤍ If Kakuzu was still in the Akatsuki, then he would visit them once a year, to see how they were developing

⤍ But if he was more involved with his child, then he would teach them the importance of finance, and that attachments are liabilities

⤍ He would also teach his child how to fight from a very young age, regardless of whether or not they want to, and he'd make sure to desensitize them to gore and murder

⤍ He would do it slowly, but while they were still young, so it can sink in without causing them trauma

⤍ If his child grew to be strong and took on his virtues, then he would be proud, and love is a strong word, but Kakuzu would definitely care for his child in some way or another

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