Neji, Shikamaru, and Itachi x Reader | Headcanons

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Request: Hello! If requests are open, id like to see how the composed characters (like Neji, Shika and itachi) would react if they heard their s/o scream in pain(and then silence) while theyre surrounded or something idk while theyre on a dangerous mission

Warnings: Mentions of violence


⌧ Neji

➝ Despite Neji's aloof attitude, he cares a lot for the people close to him, and he would do anything for them, even if he doesn't say as much

➝ That being said, if he were on a mission with his s/o, and things were quickly going south, then he'd make sure to periodically check on his s/o after they get split up

➝ Though once he turns to the enemies in front of him, giving a bit more focus on defeating the threat, his mind briefly veers from his s/o and their safety

➝ And once he hears the cry of pain, he is immediately focused on finding his s/o, activating his byakugan and cutting through the last few enemies in his way

➝ Once he finds his s/o, he'll annihilate the source of their pain and immediately make sure that they're alright, checking for any wounds and taking swift action if there were any bad injuries

⌧ Shikamaru

➝ Shikamaru would always keep his s/o in his sights when they're on a mission, especially a dangerous one

➝ Though if his focus did manage to slip from them, and they ended up getting hurt, he'd be cursing and faulting himself for his idiocy

➝ He would immediately deal with anyone in his way once he hears his s/o's distressed sound

➝ Once he gets to them he'd check thoroughly for injuries, and anything that might need immediate treatment

➝ If it turns out they're okay, then he'd sigh and pull them close, relieved that his slip up didn't cost him his s/o

⌧ Itachi

➝ Itachi knew his s/o was relatively new to the Akatsuki

➝ But they were by no means weak, which is why he left them to handle the 10 shinobi on their tail as he dealt with his own pursuers

➝ Though he either underestimated his s/o or the shinobi on their tail as he heard a fairly loud cry of pain that could only belong to his partner

➝ Quickly putting an end to the unfortunate shinobi in his way, Itachi made his way to his s/o with such an intense speed that none of their attackers saw him coming as he cut them down

➝ Itachi would try to keep the panic off his face as he analyzes his s/o's body, making sure they weren't fatally wounded as starts to patch up their more minor injuries

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