Part 17

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It’s around 10 in the morning and I haven’t slept in two days, I’m exhausted.

Last night, I couldn’t move. Jack wouldn’t let me get up once, I probably shouldn’t have anyways.

He spent the entire night putting my favorite movies on, getting ice packs for my head, and making sure the heating pad was always on the right place under my back. Switching between massaging and rubbing my back, he tried everything that would normally get put me to sleep, nothing worked. He even went and woke up Shawn a couple hours ago. Shawn came in and sang to me for like an hour, and that didn’t even work.

I feel so sick, and I’m in the worst mood possible.

Madison is going to fucking pay for all this. I would take care of it myself, but I can barely get out of bed.

Jack has been up all night with me, taking care of me. The other boys woke up after Shawn to all make sure I was okay. Matt is at the store right now picking up some stuff for me.

Jack is laying down next to me, watching one of my favorite movies “Jersey Girl.”

I see how exhausted he is, trying to stay up with me.

“Babe, please go get some sleep. Just because I can’t sleep doesn’t mean you can’t.”

He looks over at me, “Well I can’t really sleep without you, so I’d have to be sleeping next to you.”

“That’s fine, Jack. You need rest. You’ve done enough.”

He pouts before agreeing with me.

He lays on his side, facing me. He wraps one arm around me, barely touching me as if I am going to break.

I move a little closer to him and tell him, “I will never understand why all of you treat me like I’m going to break if one of you touches me.”
He laughs and pulls himself as close to me as possible and pulls his arm a little tighter around my waist. After a couple minutes, he falls fast asleep.

I hear his heavy breathing, his chest pushing against and from me with each breath with his light snores.

I still can’t believe he said he’s in love with me. About 2 million girls would die to have him, and he picks me?

I’m really thirsty, but I don’t want to move. I want this to last forever. Not the sickness, but being here, in this position, with Jack.

I slowly and quietly remove myself from his grip on me, trying my best not to wake him.

He’s dead asleep from being so tired; I don’t think someone screaming in his ear could wake him up right now.

I get out of bed and walk out of his room only wearing Jack’s shirt and boyshort underwear. I shut the door quietly behind me.

I rub my eyes as I walk down the stairs. The boys are all downstairs awake.

As soon as they see me, they stand up and walk over to the kitchen with me.

I’m having a little bit of a trouble walking, my whole body is fucked up and this is the first time I’ve been out of bed since I got sick.

Cam comes up behind me while I’m looking in the fridge for a drink and pulls my waist back a little, pulling me away from the fridge and shutting the door.

“Go sit down, you don’t need to be standing up. What do you need?”

I’m so drained, I don’t even bother to argue. He walks me over to the dining table near the kitchen and I sit back.

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