Bombs, Gta Strippers, and Corn

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August 14th, 2020
9:02 Am

Rose: Good morning moony 🙃

Remus: Ugh

Rose: not a good morning?

Remus: Not in the slightest

Rose: what's wrongggg

Remus: I didn't sleep last night and my parents are pressuring me to go shopping for school stuff. but i'm starting at a boarding school and i'm really scared

Rose: oh I'm sorry

Remus: it's not that bad it's just i don't know anyone who goes there, other than this one kid I met when I toured but he was a bit of a prick and was all like "don't hang out with these people" and such

Rose: oh god it sounds like a guy I go to school with

Remus: yikes man

Rose: but about being scared to meet new people, while I don't really know much about it, one of my friends has bad social anxiety and just kind of follows whoever, and he always says texting someone helps him feel less awkward so if you ever feel like you can socialize just text me and i'll be here :)

Remus: thats...actually really sweet thank you :)

Rose: I'm slightly disappointed you'd think anything else of me

Remus: you'll get over it

Rose: obviously

Remus: alright i'm being forced to go shopping so wish me luck

Rose: good luck


August 14th, 2020
1:21 pm

Remus: Oh thank god that's finally over

Rose: was it that bad really?

Remus: My mother has no clue how to use your currency

Rose: big yikes

Remus: It was so bad
Remus: thank god my father was there

Rose: he knows the currency?

Remus: yea, he lived here and /technically/ I was born her but moved to america for his job and then back again

Rose: oh

Remus: yea
Remus: so how's your brother?

Rose: much better, less panicked, actually getting along with my friend which is a huge surprise

Remus: yea?

Rose: Yea see at my school they do a whole house system, and pretty much they're in rival houses

Remus: oh, that sucks
Remus: I mean i wouldn't really know american schools don't do that but their public schools are so entertaining

Rose: tell me more

Remus: Ok so my freshman year we had a bomb threat, and two shooting threats and we still didn't do a single alice drill, which basically is a drill where you think about what you would do if someone started shooting the school up or there was an intruder

Rose: What the hell is a freshman? Also WHAT

Remus: umm hold on let me google
Remus: year 10 in the english school system

Rose: ohhhh

Remus: also yea it was kinda normal

Rose: Thats? not good?

Remus: then there was someone who came to school dressed in full cosplay

Rose: fhakdhakfh

Remus: ummmm
Remus: we had a kid get body slammed by a cop because they refused to let the cop search their bag
Remus: which is a right btw

Rose: what's a right

Remus: you have the right to refuse the police to search you or your belongings without a warrant it's a whole thing

Rose: oh
Rose: please tell me more my brothers dying rn

Remus: there was a girl who came to school dressed as a gta stripper


Remus: that's about the accurate response 😭😭

Rose: please what is that school

Remus: america man

Rose: sounds about right
Rose: we're you florida?

Remus: no actually a small town in iowa lmfao

Rose: Iowa?

Remus: the corn state it's boring


Remus: yea ik ik ik

Rose: fhskfhskd

Remus: but yea

Rose: Thats literally the funniest shit ever

Remus: it's something

Rose: old are you then?


Rose: you're kidding why would i?

Rose: I'm 15 too

Remus: really?

Rose: yea, low key kinda fun

Remus: Maybe we'll end up going to the same school

Rose: who knows

Remus: I gtg but we'll talk later, yea?

Rose: Bye

Authors note:...have these things actually happened at my high school? yes. was it hilarious? also yes. But yea, American schools are hilarious.

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