Finally omg

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A: So i never put songs with the chapters, but i was listening to this one while I wrote this chapter and it adds to the effect in my opinion.
     Remus entered the shop, tentatively. He looked over to Sirius, black hair flowing over their shoulder, leather jacket over one of Remus' sweaters. Black jeans and Doc Martens. Of course. Remus thought and rolled his eyes. He stood there, in the doorway, admiring his partner, for a moment, before deciding it was time.
     Remus walked over to where Sirius stood, hoping to god they wouldn't turn around before he spoke, "When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others' The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde. Seems we've been deceiving ourselves for a while, huh?"
     Sirius turned around and smiled at Remus, "Hello, Moons." Sirius wrapped their arms around the tall boy.
     "Mmm, seems a bit odd to be wearing your boyfriend's sweater when you're supposed to be meeting the man you're in love with, no?" Remus asked, pulling Sirius close.
      "Not when I figured it out, no. It worked well in the end, besides, who ever said I didn't fall in love with you irl, hmm?" Sirius said, leaning up to kiss Remus.
      "Not a soul." Remus said, leaning into the kiss.
      They pulled apart after a moment, and Remus leaned his forehead against Sirius', "I love you." He whispered.
     "Je suis amoureux de toi depuis le début." Sirius responded, before kissing their boyfriend again.
     "Let's get out of here, yeah?" Remus asked. Sirius nodded eagerly.
     They exited the store, hand in hand, and started walking back to the castle, the snow crunching under their feet. Sirius gathered up some snow and threw it at Remus.
      "Oh, you are so going to regret that Black!" Remus said, already forming another snow ball.
      Every snowball grew in size, and before long Remus had levitated a pile of snow over an un-aware Sirius. Remus went over to where Sirius was stood and dumped the snow over him.
       "Was that really necessary Moons?" Sirius pouted.
       "All's fair in love and war." Remus shrugged.
      Sirius grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it down his partners sweater.
      Remus picked Sirius up and threw him into a rather large mound of snow, "Truce?" he asked.
      Sirius nodded and stuck his arm out for Remus to help pull him up. Remus took their hand and Sirius pulled Remus down into the snow, on top of him.
       "Ugh, really? We called a truce!" Remus laughed.
       "All fairs in love and war Moons." Sirius said, looking at Remus' amber eyes.
      "God, I'm in love you." Remus sighed.
Sirius leaned up  and whispered, "Well then it's good that I find myself just as much in love with you." and kissed him.
Hours later, they could be found, curled next to each other in Remus' bed, grey eyes peering into amber, hands wrapped tightly together, under sheets, with no plan to ever let go.
"Oh gross!" Regulus said as he entered the room.
James walked in behind him, "Oh come on Reg, they're in love, let them be." They walked back down the stairs to the common room.
"You really think that excuse would work for us?" Regulus said as they sat on the couch, "Not know..." Regulus continued as he realized what he had just implied.
James moved so he was laying on the younger boy, head resting in Regulus' legs. "Reg...I.."
        "No, Reg, let me do this." James took a breath. "Regulus August Black." James started.
        "That's not my middle name." Regulus interrupted.
         "Regulus Antonio Black-"
         "Nope." Regulus smirked.
         "Regulus Alphard Black-"
          "No, but you're closer." Regulus laughed at the look of frustration on James' face.
          "Can you not?" James pleaded.
          "I'm only gonna stop if you start this correctly."  Regulus said, Running his hand through the older boys hair.
           "Fine." James sighed, took a breath and then started again, "Regulus Arcturus Black-"
          "There you go." Regulus smirked.
          "Oh my god! Shut up!" James said. Regulus laughed. James moved so he was sitting sideways on the couch, facing Regulus.
"Regulus Arcturus Black, I remember the first day I met you, you were a tiny little first year and you were scared, wouldn't even leave Sirius' side. And then you did, you got sorted into Slytherin and you guys drifted, but then in your third year something happened and you got close again. Then you started hanging out with us a little more, and slowly but surely I fell for you.
I fell and I knew there was no turning back. I fell for the way you scrunch your nose when you're reading and something you don't like happens, I fell for the smirk you try to hide when we hex Snivellous, I fell for the things you despise about yourself, I don't know how you do, because they're perfect to me, Reg. You're perfect to me Reg. And I am so irrevocably in love you." James said.
       Regulus cupped the back of James' head and pushed their foreheads together, "I'm utterly in love with you too, you weirdo." James leaned forward and closed the gap between them.
"Thank god." James smiled against the younger boys lips.
Regulus moved back, forehead still pressed against James', and brushed his thumb across the older boy's cheek, "I love you."
"Those are three words I'll never tire of hearing whispered from your mouth." James said before pulling Regulus into another kiss.

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