Meeting Agent Lark

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Bucky’s POV April 17th, 2018

"I need to warn you. The kitchen, dining and living room areas are all communal. Not a big deal, but if you want peace and quiet you'll have to get in here before seven." Steve tells Bucky as they finish their tour of the Compound where he and the other Avengers lived and worked. He'd been showing him around for the last couple of hours. Slowly introducing Bucky to each member of the team and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent's that he knew. He had a feeling this was done deliberately so he wouldn't be overwhelmed which he was grateful for. Unfortunately Steve had a tendency to baby him since he found and rescued him. Although he made a mental note of Steve's suggestion so he can set an alarm to get out here before the others.

It's not that he couldn't trust anyone here. It's just that, the last time he'd seen all of them he had been fighting and running away from most of them. Steve tried to reassure Bucky that they had moved past it and were happy that he got him back, but he could still feel the distrust in every meeting that wasn't with one of the people who had fought alongside them. As he was looking around the living room Stark's computer lady alerted Steve that his help was needed. "Captain Rogers, Agent Lark is in severe distress. You're the closest available person to help her that she will allow entrance to her rooms."

His friend's blonde head whipped over to look towards the hallway that led to the apartments he had shown him earlier. "I thought Lark was still on a mission." Steve responded looking over at him and panicked.

Bucky hadn't seen him panic like this since at least their fight with Tony in Siberia. He didn't know why, but he couldn't help but feel like this was somehow his fault. He didn't know who Agent Lark was. Steve hadn't mentioned her or that she lived on this floor with the team. The team lived on this floor exclusively while S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had another floor four floors down that had small apartments that were used for those who needed them; like agents whose assignment wasn't long enough here to get a permanent place. So how did this woman rate the privilege of taking up one of the few apartments left on this floor?

"Agent Lark's mission ended early. She arrived home ten minutes ago." The AI tells Steve who hangs his head for a second with an unsurprised sigh before looking over at Bucky. He could see he was making up his mind on what he was gonna do with him.

"Damn it! Buck, follow me but stay back. I might need your help." With that he took off at full speed down the hall and through the kitchen towards the team's apartments. Easily keeping up with him Bucky tried to mentally prepare himself for what he didn't know. This woman, Lark, could be hurt. Other than patching himself up over the years he didn't have much medical training so he didn't know what he could help with.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., the door please." The door opened just as they got to it. Not hesitating for a second Steve was through the door and looking around for the woman, but there's no one in the front room. Then they hear it. The sound of the shower running. "Buck, go to her closet and get some clothes, but stay back unless I call you. I don't want to startle her by having someone who is a stranger to her with me."

Understanding completely he nods his head and goes to the door Steve directed him to. Opening it all he sees is wall to wall monochromatic black and grey. And Sam gives me a hard time about my wardrobe. At least I wear some color, he thinks to himself as he grabs down one of the many long sleeve black shirts and a pair of small black stretchy pants. Turning to the small dresser behind him he searches for some underwear. Finding the drawer he needs, Bucky avoided looking as much as possible and just grabbed a pair of black panties. Thinking to himself, this girl really loves the color black. Heading back out into her room he knocks on the bathroom door. "I've got the clothes."

Sounding a little strained by whatever it is he's dealing with, Steve calls back through the door. "Thanks, pal."


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