Touch me

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Aria's POV December 12, 2019

Laying with her head on Bucky's shoulder as he watched a movie about wizards and hobbits, Aria closed her eyes and let her mind drift. Days like today were something she never thought that she’d ever get to have and to have this with two men who loved her, flaws and all. Well it was a dream come true. Add in the fact that she now had a father in more than the sense of a figure to be there guiding her in Tony and Aria was full to bursting with real happiness for the first time in twenty-four years. Nuzzling her face closer to Buck’s neck at the pleasurable feeling of his hands absentmindedly running up and down her back under her shirt. When Aria brushes her lips against the soft skin of his throat the sensation has him humming at her touch.

While her light kiss made his body tense at the feeling, he was distracted by the movie. In the nearly five months since they've been together there have been dozens of afternoons spent like this. With Aria wrapped around him like a koala while he watched a movie, read a book or they just quietly enjoyed each other's company. However, something about today was different. Today laying on him felt more right than ever and even being pressed fully to him just didn't seem close enough.

Sitting up she looked into Bucky's smiling cerulean blue eyes and saw more with him. The kind of more that, until this very moment, she hadn’t been ready for. His smile slowly faded when she didn't return the gesture. Lifting his metal hand he cupped the side of her face giving her a look of concern. "Aria?" He just said her name and it conveyed everything he wanted to ask.

What's wrong?

Are you okay?

Did I do something?

She wanted to tell him what she was feeling, the emotions were simply too intense for her to put into words. Clutching a handful of Bucky’s shirt Aria swallows thickly. How could she accurately describe the fluttering in her heart that happened whenever he looked at her that made her want to cry with happiness? Or describe to him the pulsing need that filled her core until she wanted to rip off every inch of his clothing to lay claim to his body when he possessively held onto her in public. Because there was no way for her to speak those feelings out loud, Aria leaned forward and kissed him.

Clearly he was surprised by her action but like always, he went with it. Kissing her back Bucky firmly kept his hands resting carefully on her hips not wanting to trigger her PTSD. The knowledge that this man, as well as Steve, cared enough about her to be mindful of her well-being made her take the sweet kiss they were sharing into something much more demanding and hungry. Slipping her tongue into his mouth Aria tangled her hands into his now longer hair making Bucky groan into her mouth and tighten his grip on her hips to bring their bodies even closer. After several long minutes of practically devouring each other this was usually about the time she'd slow down or pull away but she couldn't. Not today. Right now she wanted to mold herself to his body, sink into him and never let go.

Shifting her weight on his lap caused her heated core to grind onto his, making them both gasp at the feeling. The sensation made her even more desperate for him to the point that she did it purposefully and repeatedly just to hear his deep moans and feel the electricity that shot through her whole being. It was with great reluctance on Bucky's part that he pried his mouth away from Aria's to get some air and to see what was going on with her. Almost always had he let her lead the way when it came to intimate moments between them, but she'd never taken it this far. Stilling her hips he leaned back to look into her beautiful hazel eyes and asked her what was going on.

"Not that I don't enjoy kissing you, but what's going on?” At her silence Bucky took a moment to assess her. He could see that there was too much happening inside her head, but he couldn't see anything that gave him cause for immediate concern. “Doll, talk to me." Needing a second she wet her lips by swiping her tongue along them, it had his eyes zeroing in on her mouth again.

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