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Peter's POV July 24th, 2018 2:10 PM

"My house, my rules." Sam laughs about the prank he's just pulled on Aria. He thought it would be hilarious to hide one of Tony's Iron Man suits in her closet to scare the shit out of her. The first time Sam did it Aria had tolerated it. She had even seen the humor in it. The second time she was less amused. This last time she was absolutely livid. Probably because Sam had rigged the suit to come to ‘life’ when Aria opened her closet causing her to shred several shirts and pants when she had thrown daggers at the suit when it scared the shit out of her.

"My knife, your life!" She threatens conjuring one of her throwing knives. Steadily flipping it from handle to blade and back again as she slowly advanced on him. Quickly backing up with his hands raised and fear on his face, Sam worried that he might have taken the joke too far.

"Aria, it was just a joke." He hastily tells her hoping that she wouldn’t really stab him like she had Clint when he’d taken the last of her kettle corn. The man had a nice scar on his forearm to remind him and those around him never to take her food.

The maniacal gleam in Aria’s green and grey eyes had him worried and rightly so because she was beyond pissed. It had Peter's eyes practically bugging out of his head. He wanted to intervene, but to be honest Aria was scaring him a little more than usual right now. Pulling out his phone he quickly texts Bucky since Mr Stark was in the city and wouldn’t be back until later. He knew that the other former assassin could help defuse this situation far better than he could because Aria listened to him now that they were friends. It helped that he was bigger than her and could carry her off. It had happened more than once and seemed like it would happen again. 

Peter🕸️: Kitchen ASAP! Ari is literally going to kill Mr Wilson!

Moments later saw Bucky racing  into the kitchen much to his and Sam’s relief. "Okay! I think it's time to walk away now, doll." Bucky quickly slid over and physically stood between Sam and Aria. He didn't try to take her knife, although he did make sure that every time she moved he was right in front of her so she couldn't hit Sam with either her knife or her fists.

undeterred Aria stepped forward and screamed around his body. "Keep it up, Wilson and that suit won't be the only body they find in my closet!"

Sam had clearly discovered Aria's limit to his pranks based on the pure fear on his face at her threat because he paled as much as someone with his complexion could. What was really throwing Peter was that he had never heard Aria raise her voice before. The volume that this tiny lady was shouting while threatening bodily harm was scaring two out of the three men in the room. He and Bucky watched Sam slightly shake as he made sure she couldn't get near him.

"You're crazy!" Sam backed up even further so that the kitchen counter was now between them. Like that would save him. If she wanted to, Aria could warp the direction she threw her knife and there was nothing anyone in this room could do to save him. As her partner he had seen her do it almost every time they practiced. At the time he'd thought it was so cool and it was, but right now he was worried for Sam's life.

"That's right and don't you forget it!" Aria's voice lowered to almost a growling whisper as she tried yet again to get around Bucky to get at him. Knowing that she wouldn't stop, he picked her up and slung her over his shoulder like a tiny sack of potatoes.

Needing to get some distance between them Bucky started walking in the opposite direction towards the elevators refusing to put her down as she hit his back and butt in an attempt to have him let her go. When he didn’t she pushed herself up as far as she could to keep her eyes on Sam as she continued to threaten him. "You're lucky Parker called Barnes because otherwise you'd be dead, Wilson. You hear me, dead!"

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