Favors and daggers

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Aria's July 30th POV 10:12 AM

Pacing around the main living room Aria tried to think of what she wanted to do for her date with Steve. He would be back this evening and she knew he would be too tired to do something too strenuous or exciting, let alone have planned anything. So Aria had suggested that they postpone their date but Steve had insisted they keep it. Thinking fast she had told him that she would plan it to save him from having to worry over it. The only problem was that she didn't know what to do with him. And she didn't feel like she could ask Bucky because that would be weird since she was dating him too. Aria didn't want to ask Peter because he was as new to dating as she was so she'd turned to Google, but that hadn't been a big help.

It suggested dinner and a movie. Since Aria had already done that with Bucky and she didn't want to repeat that for their first date. She wanted to do something special with Steve. Only problem was she didn't know him as well as she did Bucky and the only reason she did was because Bucky never shut up. When he had first been trying to make friends, he constantly talked. About all of the things he liked to see if they had anything in common. Movies, books, food, their training. If there was something to chat about he had opened his mouth. But not Steve.

In comparison Steve Rogers kept his mouth shut when he was around her. Unless it pertained to work or to occasionally respond to her biting sarcastic comments then he'd contribute. Mainly he just watched and listened. And based on their few recent conversations she knew he liked to draw. He liked music, but they hadn't really talked about what kind of music so she couldn't look up shows to go see. Not that she'd be comfortable in such a crowded place like a concert while trying to enjoy the music and pay attention to him at the same time.

"What's got you so worked up, little Valkyrie?" Whipping around to see Loki leaning against the entrance of the living room with his arms crossed and an amused smirk on his face. A flush creeps across her face as she avoids his green eyes searching for what has her in such a tizzy.

"It's nothing." She tells him, shaking her head as she plopped down on the couch and slumped back in defeat. Aria didn't want to bother him or anyone else with her problems so she kept her mouth shut tight.

Raising a single coal black eyebrow at her he walks further into the room and over to the chair next to her. Pointing to himself he says with only a hint of superiority, "God of Mischief and lies. Want to try that again, little one?"

Merde. That was right. He was their very own walking lie detector.

Chewing on the inside of her cheek as she stares at the Asgardian Aria wonders if she should ask his opinion about this. Being so much older, maybe he could help her out. After all he had offered to be an ear for her. Sitting up, Aria decides to just tell him. "I have a date with Steve when he gets back tonight. He was going to plan it, but he didn't expect the mission to take so long. So I offered to plan it. However I don't know what to do. Besides my date with Buck I've never been on one before and we already did dinner and a movie for our date. I don't want to do the same thing. It feels like I wouldn't even be trying and I don't want to do anything too strenuous since he's coming back from a hard mission."

Nodding his head while he listens attentively to her problem Loki sits with his elbows resting on the arms of the chair he steepled his fingers together. Tapping the tips of his fingers against his mouth while turning over in his mind her dilemma. In his many, many years Loki had found that the most meaningful memories made were done doing the most simple of things. "How about a picnic? I've observed the Captain doing something similar on occasion with his sketch pad along the river bank for his mid-day meal. Take him somewhere to draw and have a light supper. This would be the perfect setting to get to know him a little more."

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