Agent Stark

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Aria October 25th, 2018

Sitting on the kitchen counter Aria was in the middle of talking about Alpine and her tendency to escape to find her daddy to an amused Bucky who was standing in front of her. Just as she was making her point about his naughty kitten he stepped between her legs and impulsively kissed her. It threw her for a second before she kissed him back. Closing her eyes Aria allows her body to melt into his as his mouth takes her breath away. Slowly Bucky's lips teased hers as he kept the kiss steadily going. Then with a gentle nip at her bottom lip before pulling away he went back to talking about Alpine as if he hadn't just kissed her into a daze.

Staying where he was between her legs, Bucky brushed his metal hand through her now slightly shorter curls with a pleased smile. What just happened, Aria thinks to herself as she practically purrs at the feeling of his fingertips going over her scalp. After the whole Henri fiasco and her explaining to him and Steve about her hair they had supported her in whatever she wanted to do with it. Telling her that it was up to her if she kept it long or cut it. That they would love her even if she shaved it all off. So she'd cut it. Nothing dramatic. Only about five inches or so putting the length now at her shoulder blades instead of her waist.

Natasha had taken Aria to her hairstylist because he knew how to cut and style curly hair. The weight taken off had been a relief both figuratively and literally. She'd been grateful to the older woman for more than one reason. In the days following their mission against Hydra and the Crimson Sparrows Aria had gone to Natasha and had a deep heart to heart with her about what had happened to her in the past. The women had talked for hours, even crying at times but it was a good thing. To talk about what had happened to them with someone who knew and understood their pain had been healing for them both. It had cemented a firm trust and friendship between the two former assassin's that Aria had been pushing away with both hands for the last two and a half years.

When Steve and Bucky had seen her come home with her hair down and in all of its curly glory they had silently noted the shorter length. They hadn't said anything to her other than to say how beautiful she looked. Then each man had taken his turn to kiss her before Steve had given her piggy back ride to the living room for game night. Snuggled between her men on the couches, surrounded by her new friends that she was slowly coming to see as family, Aria had felt safe. Really truly safe for the first time in her whole life.

She might still have a hard time with over stimulation and had to take time away to mentally recharge. No one was bothered by it anymore. They knew that was just her and they loved her anyway. Even if she was a grumpy, sometimes stabby and a bit of a recluse woman. And she loved all of them in turn in her own way. Spending time with them all outside of missions and training had been awkward at first but with Peter and surprisingly Loki's help, she'd managed to find her way.

"What do you think?" Bucky asked, pulling Aria from her wandering thoughts. He gave her a crooked grin when he realized that she hadn't been listening to a word he said. Wrapping his arms around her waist Buck tugged her hips closer to his so that he could whisper against her mouth. “What's going on inside that pretty head of yours?”

“Lots of stuff.” She whispered back softly, nudging his nose with hers while she draped her arms around his neck. Aria played with the longer length of his hair. Making him hum in pleasure at her fingernails lightly scratching his scalp. He loved it when she did this and had one more than one occasion fallen asleep with his head in her lap while she did it.

Bucky's eyelids lowered to half mast while he inhaled her scent. Aria could see the winter blue of his eyes being swallowed by the black of his pupils. “Oh yeah? You gonna tell me what has you so distracted?”

She ghosted her lips across his as she shook her head no. Bucky feigned a pout that made her chuckle. “I can show you if you’d like.” He nods with a happy smile on his lips.

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