Touch Starved

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Aria's POV July 24th, 2018 9:04 PM

She expected to feel even more awkward or uncomfortable laying in Steve's arms while she cried like she usually did with people touching her, but she didn't. She couldn't explain it, it just felt good. Like so good she didn't want it to stop so Aria stayed right where she was. Relaxing even further in Steve’s embrace as he stroked comforting circles up and down her back while his other hand cupped the back of her head and pressed it gently but firmly against his chest. Aria could hear his steady heartbeat as she leaned against him. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath as her tears quieted. He smells good she thinks to herself burying her face into him more to hide the blush that blooms in her cheeks. She couldn't tell you what exactly he smelled like, but it was comforting and mouth watering at the same time.

Not knowing what to do in a situation like this Aria just stayed leaning against him. That is until her body’s urge to get closer to his was particularly urgent. It was like an itch that she was desperate to scratch. Internally wrestling with the choice to let him go and put the normal distance between them or getting closer, she squeezed her eyes closed as she held her breath. Maybe him holding her like this was all that he was able to offer her as a friend, Aria didn’t want to upset him to the point that he took back his offer of friendship. Quietly letting out her breath Aria cracked open her eyes to stare at the river as she continued to weigh what she was going to do.

She knew Steve was as cautious of her right now as she was of him. And she couldn’t blame him. Up until an hour ago she’d been actively being overly hostile towards him. How could she ask for the level of comfort she was needing when she’d been so mean to him? It may seem like the change in how quickly she seemingly let go of her anger was a snap thing, but it wasn’t. It was more along the lines of taking off a mask that Aria had stubbornly kept on because she wasn’t ready to let go. Her behavior towards Steve these last few weeks after having really let go of what he’d done had simply been a reflex of how she’d always treated him. Hard to stop. But now they were going to be friends and like how Peter had been encouraging her to, Aria gathered the courage to ask for what she needed.

So pulling back, Aria looked up at Steve to gauge his reaction with how he was feeling right now. He just gives her a warm smile and that look he always does. Searching his blue eyes she knew that in this moment, whatever she needed, he would do it for her with no judgments. Biting her lip in nervousness she slowly, cautiously climbed in between Steve's legs to sit with her back pressed firmly to his front. Swallowing roughly she softly grasped both of his arms to wrap them tightly around her and leaned her head back onto his chest. Taking a deep breath at the feeling of being safe and sound in his arms, she was finally able to relax. The feeling of his much larger body cupped around her smaller one gave Aria a sense of security and comfort like she had never known before. "Is this okay?" She whispers, keeping her eyes forward on the water while she waits for Steve’s answer.

"Yes." His soft lips brush along her ear as he speaks. The feeling of his chest rumbling against her back as he spoke sent another pleasant tingle up her spine and into her chest just like when they were on his motorcycle. "Are you cold?" Steve asks, tightening his arms to bring her closer to his very warm body.

Shaking her head no, Aria leans her head back until it's snug in the crook of his neck where it meets his shoulder. "Thank you." She whispers, unable to speak louder otherwise she knew her tears would come back.

"Anything you need, Aria. I'm not going anywhere." Leaning his head down to rest on hers as he rearranges them so that he sat crisscrossed with her firmly in his lap. She could feel him relaxing with every passing moment that she wasn’t freaking out and pushing him away. Staring out at the water Aria thought to herself that she never thought a year ago that this is what she would be doing with the ever annoying Captain.

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