Step one, start out small

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Aria's POV 12:30 PM

The ride back to the Compound wasn't as tense as she expected it to be. Seemingly understanding that she needed time to herself, Peter and Tony were talking quietly about some science stuff that went way over her head. She might not get it, but she was content to just sit and listen. You never know what piece of information you might be able to use later. In the short two hours since they showed up to Parker’s apartment Aria was confident that she chose correctly with the young man.

Having to explain to him her reservations and insecurities had been hard; she was just grateful that he hadn't judged her. Peter seemed sympathetic without pitying her. Knowing that he hadn't had an easy life either had made it a little better. She was genuinely sorry about his parents and his uncle. To lose so many people he loved so young must have been hard on him. And yet for him to still be so happy and optimistic about life, she just couldn't wrap her head around how he did it.

Getting out of the car Aria helped Peter with his bag and walked with him and Tony to his new apartment. When she found out he'd been assigned to the one next to hers that had belonged to Wanda she had started to protest. But Tony had reassured her and Peter both that Wanda had been more than willing to move in officially with Vision. The couple had been together long enough that they wanted to share the same space. Aria shuddered at the thought. No, she liked her alone time and she was beyond glad that she wasn’t having to share with Peter even if she did sort of like the kid.

Having never been in any apartment other than her own, she took a look around while Peter took his bag to his room to unpack. It was similar to hers except that it was brighter. The walls were a light grey and had tons of windows. The blinds open to let in the light. Walking out of the empty kitchenette she was amazed that they were able to move all of Wanda's stuff so quickly. Stripped bare of everything but the basics it looked like her room. Unlike Peter’s room or even just the living room at his aunt's apartment, Aria didn't have anything on her walls or decorations of any kind. Her room was the same light grey, but she had blackout curtains over every window to keep it dark. If it wasn't for the clothes in her closet you’d have thought it was an empty space ready for its next occupant.

If Peter's cluttered bedroom walls back home were any indication of what his new space would look like the walls would be filled with posters and pictures soon enough. Maybe she would use some of the money S.H.I.E.L.D. and Tony paid her to buy some stuff to make her room more hospitable. Smiling at the thought for a second before she frowned. What would she buy? She didn't really know what she liked. "What's with the frown Agent-I mean Aria?" Peter asked, coming back into the front room.

Awkward to admit this she cleared her throat and gestures at the blank walls. "I was thinking about getting something to decorate my room to make it more personal, but I don't know what I'd buy." He glances at the walls and nods to himself.

"Okay. Yeah, we can do that. Step one, start out small.” Looking towards Tony who was on his phone, he called out to the older man. “Mr Stark, can we borrow a car to get some things for Aria's apartment?"

Hanging up his phone he points at Aria. "She drives. What all do you plan on buying?" He was curious about her sudden desire to decorate.

Aria raised her eyebrows. He'd never offered to let her drive one of his cars before. "I don't know. What do you have in your room?" Aria asked him, hoping he'll tell her what to buy.

Chuckling Tony shakes his head. "Our styles are vastly different, Ninja. I suggest you hit a couple of stores and figure out what catches your eye and buy it. Here.” Pulling out his wallet he pulls out a black card and holds it out to her. It was Aria’s turn to shake her head as she held up her hands. “Come on, take it."

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