Testing the waters

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Bucky's POV

He sat there confused by the cloak and dagger way of getting them out here and then by what she was trying to tell them. That is until she told them that she liked him. He'd immediately felt like he did when his first crush had liked him back. Bucky's stomach had felt like there were a million butterflies fluttering around in there. And then the realization that she also liked Steve had hit him. While the two of them talked, he sat there and thought about what to do. Aria was conflicted about her feelings. He understood that. He'd been in the same boat when he realized he liked her as more than a friend, but this was slightly different for her. Bucky had lived a whole life with love, friendship and all of the good stuff she never got to experience. He tried to put himself in her shoes and he got sad and then angry on her behalf. Angry at those people who had hurt her so badly. Her heartbroken voice tore at his heart.

"I don't know what to do with this information. I've never dated or sexually been with anyone before that I've cared about. When it's come down to being intimate with someone it was for a mission. God, I hated those missions.." Aria's hazel eyes filled with pain, hurt and despair as memories of what she had been forced to do played back in her mind. Bucky recognized that look. He saw it every day in the mirror. Shaking her head to bring herself out of those unpleasant thoughts she nervously glances up at them both. Not seeing any judgment from them she lets out a shaky breath.

Steve cautiously broached the subject with as much tact as he could. "Aria, we understand that the Sparrows made you do things you never would have done if you had the choice to say no. Maybe, you can talk to Nat. I know she went through similar situations with the Red Room."

She nods rapidly, trying to blink back her tears while avoiding looking at them. "I'll, uh, I'll do that."

Before he can do it, Steve holds his arms out for her to come to him. In an instant Aria scrambles over to him and wraps her whole body around his while she chokes back a sob before letting go. The flood gates seemingly let loose for the first time when she realizes that they really didn’t hold her past against her. Scooting closer to them he cautiously wraps his arms around both her and Steve. "We've got you, doll. It's okay to let it out."

Speaking softly, Steve brushes back her long hair to cup her face. "We can just be friends, Ari. Neither of us want to make you do anything that you aren't ready for." He wholeheartedly agreed with him. He never wanted to push her beyond what she could handle. Aria pulls back to sit up, her big hazel eyes filled with tears. He couldn't help but think that she was so beautiful even with a pink tipped nose, tear stained cheeks and slightly disheveled hair.

Looking up at Steve she searches his eyes for the truth before turning to Bucky to do the same. Seeing that he was indeed being as sincere as Steve was before looking back up at the other man. "But that's the thing. I want to try. With both of you. I just don't want to lose either of you because I can’t choose. I don't know what to do." Tucking her head back into Steve's shoulder comforts her while she cries. Her tears weren't as desperate now. They were more from her being unsure of what to do and being overwhelmed.

Conflicted and upset on her behalf Steve glanced over at him clearly at a loss of what to do. It had Bucky looking at them quietly thinking this through. An idea comes to him. It's a crazy idea that neither of them will probably go for. But he wants to put it out there in case it wasn't all that crazy. Slowly nodding to himself he finally speaks. "Okay."

"What?" Steve and Aria ask at the same time, sharing a confused look before glancing back at him.

Letting out a deep breath he just spits it out. "You and us. We figure out a way for you to date both of us. We keep it simple for now. Hanging out, maybe go on a date or two. I can guarantee that this won't be easy. It never is when feelings are involved. But when you want to try, I'll be here."

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