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minho's eyes fluttered open slowly as it was warm, really warm. and minho was confused just for a second before the realization hit him, causing him to curse inwardly as he got an answer as to why he was feeling so warm. hyunjin still tightly asleep, his relaxed body leaning on him, the younger dancer's arms still droopily wrapped around him with his face buried on minho's neck.

minho glanced up to the ceiling and then back to hyunjin, covering his embarrassment with a glare even if hyunjin didn't see it.

"your six feet tall ass is squishing me" minho complained loudly, shoving the sleeping male lightly. that got a drowsy huff out of hyunjin who soon closed his eyes again.

"'m 5'11, you're just jealous you're short."

minho rolled his eyes, bringing his hand to poke hyunjin's back. "get. up."

but hyunjin wouldn't move, that causing minho to groan in frustration.

"you brat, i'll-" the older began, however cutting himself off as hyunjin's ragged breath brushed against his ear as the brunette suddenly let out a quiet whimper that barely caught minho's attention. but it did, causing minho to grab the dancer's shirt and pull him off his chest, only to notice how ran down the male looked, his face pale and eyes dull.

with a frown minho brought his hand on hyunjin's forehead, sighing. it was definitely warmer than it was supposed to be.

"the room's spinning."

and minho bit his lip, contemplating his options before letting hyunjin slump back against minho due to the lack of support from the older.

"no it's not, you're just having a fever" minho noted. "you were just fine earlier."

"yeah? i still feel just fine" hyunjin sounded exhausted despite just sleeping for hours. "just tired."

and minho was frustrated as the male seemed to be falling asleep again, even if the position had to be uncomfortable for him too.

"you can't sleep on me, dumbass. i'm hot" minho fiddled with hyunjin's shirt, inhaling a deep, careful breath.

"i know, no need to rub it on my face..." hyunjin mumbled back, catching the older off guard.

"what?" minho blurted out, subconsciously gripping on the fabric tighter. "and now you're saying funny things. get a hold of yourself, hwang hyunjin."

hyunjin merely hummed in response, nuzzling his face on minho's neck.

and minho rolled his eyes as he pulled the younger off his chest again, propping him by his sides as hyunjin stared back at him with guileless gaze.

"chan hyung said you hated touch, hyung was lying" hyunjin blurted out off topic, minho glancing to the side, hiding the fact that he, in fact, was feeling just a bit flustered at that.

"that's f-"

"hush" hyunjin shushed, placing his index finger on minho's lips. "i despise you, lee minho. but your hugs are so nice" the younger dancer babbled, sighing contently. and minho couldn't help but to lean back, causing hyunjin to soon slump against his chest again, proving minho that the younger had to be feeling too weak to hold himself up.

"i'm going to kick your ass out of that door right there" minho groaned as he stood up from the couch, nearly dropping hyunjin on the floor but deciding halfway that he wasn't going to do it. insteaf, he pryed his arms under hyunjin's thighs, successfully getting on his feet with hyunjin clinging on him half asleep.

"don't touch me, it's dirty" hyunjin said under minho's ear, no actual aggression evident in his voice. minho raised his eyebrows for a second but figured the younger was just saying nonsense again.

"i'm not letting your stubborn ass crawl on the floor either, deal with it" minho hissed, heading towards chan's room, however stopping right in front of it. minho didn't really have a permission to enter chan's room, especially when the older himself wasn't there. and minho wasn't that petty.

so with a sigh minho entered his own room instead, dropping hyunjin down on his bed.

"i can't believe i'm doing this" he spoke in undertone, carefully positioning hyunjin better and lazily placing the duvet on him. and just as he was getting up, he felt hyunjin's fingers wrapping themselves weakly around his wrist.

"don't go."

minho stared at hyunjin's hand for a moment before shaking it off, giving the younger a glare he couldn't hold on for long.

"what?" he spat out a bit harsher than intended, his eyes now wandering around his room before he could find himself looking at hyunjin again.

"i don't wanna be alone."

"why?" minho continued questioning, tilting his head. "i don't see what that has to do with me."

"because-" hyunjin began unsurely, avoiding eyecontact with minho. "because i didn't have nightmares when you were close to me. don't tell me it's stupid."

and minho frowned, having mixed feelings about the confession. one side of him wanted to tell the brunette off, saying that he didn't care even if he did. but the other side of him was much softer, even touched. and minho couldn't help but to scoff, hesitantly getting under the covers and feeling somewhat uncomfortable with hyunjin's unsteady breathing on his neck, never having even let chan or jisung in his bed with him before, let alone hyunjin then.

but hyunjin was content as he lazily turned around on his side and cuddled minho, locking minho as the little spoon by throwing his leg over minho's hip and wrapping his arm around his torso, minho expressing his discomfort with a silent sigh that hyunjin wasn't even supposed to hear.

and it wasn't that minho didn't like it, he didn't know if he actually did but he certainly wouldn't let himself admit that. it was just so new to him, not having let anyone cuddle him before. and hyunjin wasn't any exception, just the only one so far who was brave enough to actually come and do it, everyone else probably wary of what would happen if they did.

so it was confusing to minho too, not sure if he should just let go his pride and give in at this point. after all, hyunjin was probably not going to remember any of this later, having developing a fever during the night and day after, not having listened to chan who told him to stay warm and rest after falling asleep with cold, wet clothes. though minho didn't know that, only figuring it was because of the weather had gotten cold and the younger cared more about his appearence than the warmness.

but noticing that hyunjin had already dozed off, he decided to give it a try, hesitatingly relaxing and even finding himself quite enjoying the feeling of someone holding him, it making him feel sort of safe. hyunjin being taller than him didn't usually have any effect on him, considering that minho wasn't really insecure of his height. but at that moment minho found comfort in it, being the smaller one giving him a sense of comfort as hyunjin held him there.

and if minho wasn't so stubborn, knowing better than to let people in, he would've melted right there in hyunjin's arms, giving up with his hatred towards the tall brunette.

but that wasn't the case, the feeling only temporary as minho eventually fell asleep, even if he hadn't really felt sleepy before. that was the effect hyunjin had on him.

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