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"you figured things out with seungmin? minho, that's amazing—"

"oh cut it off already," minho complained, aggressively placing the bowl of popcorn down on the floor in front of the couch. he forced a tight-lipped smile. "we're friends, aren't we?"

well, that wasn't entirely a lie. seungmin was one of the first people minho had met through chan, and though maybe not the best of friends, they could get along just fine. sometimes.


seungmin wasn't the worst of them all, minho had no choice but to admit. he was rather likeable, maybe a little dandy and much too stubborn but minho could totally see why people fancied him. he had a rather cool aura but wasn't mean by any chance. he was polite, even when telling people off and that was something minho secretly admired. he was composed and the tiniest bit of mysterious, didn't wear his heart up his sleeve like the rest of them did.

they could've been friends even if it wasn't for hyunjin and his stupid habit of turning everyone against minho, minho thought.

they had known each other for a while, minho didn't know the details and obviously had never cared enough to ask either but it was obvious to anyone. seungmin, despite being younger than the brunette had taken the cliché role of a guardian angel of some sort, always standing up for him and taking his side whatever it was. and oh had that had always irked minho. a lot. needless to say, that had led to just a few arguments between them as well.

so when minho had approached seungmin in hopes of getting the obnoxious brunette's address for personal purposes in the campus, the younger had had a valid reason to be suspicious. even minho thought it was fair. that interaction was a whole different story for another time though and even if seungmin wasn't likely to forget about it, minho for sure was planning on doing exactly that. (he got the address though!)

"i guess," chan gave in, picking up a handful of popcorns with a frown. "if that's really the case it's good to see that you're getting along."

minho scowled.

"not the point," he snapped. "i know about hyunjin."

"oh yeah?" the uncertainty was evident in chan's voice, even when poorly laced with the older's usual calm tone. "what's up?"

he was playing dumb.

"he told me everything, about that poor excuse of a boyfriend and that jeongin guy" minho was feeling oddly bitter over something that was, technichally, none of his business.

"hyunjin told you?" chan echoed, voice somewhat even. "what happened between you two? i was already surprised to see you two here when i came home but—"

"not the point," minho repeated, the slightest bit of piqued. he stole the bowl to himself and gave chan a roll of eyes. "why aren't you doing anything?"

chan seemed hesitant and minho knew it was because he wasn't one to get too involved. it wasn't like him to talk about things that weren't his own at least on his own accord. minho respected that. usually.

then finally, chan granted him a short reply.

"hyunjin doesn't let me."

minho sucked in a breath, processing. well, he should've seen it coming. what else did he even expect? minho gets the point. he didn't ask why chan hadn't done something either way, he already knew the answer.

"the police wouldn't do shit," minho voiced the answer himself and scowls at the mere idea. "they never did shit."

"minho—" chan attempted but was interrupted with a certain brunette's footsteps in the hallway. hyunjin stopped to frown at them before shamelessly planting himself between chan and minho and snatching the popcorn bowl out of minho's hands. all minho could do was to gape at the brat's audacity.

"i heard my name" hyunjin simply announced, eyes hyperfocused at the screen of the television as he spoke.

"of course you did," minho scoffed and crossed his arms. "i bet you—"

chan faked a cough.

"anyway," minho paused. "i thought you were taking a nap."

hyunjin glanced at him briefly, shrugging before nonchalantly expressing something that made the oldest cough again, this time out of pure surprise.

"i was," he pressed. "but i couldn't sleep without you there to cuddle. heard it, channie hyung? minho hyung loves being the little spoon."

"hyung?" chan raised a brow, eyeing at minho warily. although minho stared at the brunette as if he was going to end him, he couldn't sense any immediate danger. strange. "cuddle?"

minho pinches the side of hyunjin's thigh in a way that goes unnoticed by chan but forces a whimper out of the brunette. overall, he feels satisfied.

"what is he even saying?" he fakes a laugh.

"i'm right here—"

"not for long," minho smiles sweetly and twirls a strand of hyunjin's brown hair around his index finger. and pulls. hyunjin swats his hand away with a surprised yelp. "hyung is telling you that lying is not good."

"oh fuck you," hyunjin rolls his eyes and turns to look at chan. "i think you should kick him out."

chan's gaze flickers between them.

"i'm confused."

a/n : hi i found this chapter sitting in my drafts so i made an attempt of finishing it before moving on yay! i got so confused logging in again and seeing this having over 5k views wow thank u i've been writing on ao3 lately and it was so weird to finish this with the way i write now and you might see that but idk i have ideas for this but i'm not sure whether i should continue since i can't write the way i used to when i first started this book lol pls tell me if i still should ?

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