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"it's pretty quiet" hyunjin stated with a small frown, minho glancing at the brunette shortly as he made his way to the kitchen.

"chan hyung's in the studio with ji and that changbin dude, they're working on something i guess."

"and you're fine with being alone with me?"

"i brought you here, dumbass" minho reminded flatly, opening the cupboard. "did i do that just to kick you out?"

the older placed a mug on the counter, continuing on filling the kettle with water and turning it on with his free hand while searching for a tea bag from the cabinet.

"i'm making you tea, you should drink something warm. i'm not arguing with you about this."

"fine then" hyunjin gave in surprisingly easily, hopping on top of the counter with a yawn. "then what is going to happen now?"

minho pretended not to hear it to achieve more time to come up with a proper reply, instead oh so focused on dropping the tea bag in the mug and pouring boiling water on it. the atmosphere was awkward, that much was painfully obvious. after the small incident at hyunjin's minho had felt uneasy, only knowing that his conscience wouldn't let him walk out of the apartment alone.

they had fought about it, minho quickly figuring the reason hyunjin didn't want to leave wasn't minho but him and in all honesty minho was petty enough to even consider staying inside with the brunette instead just to see the male's face but he didn't want to risk the chance of it escalating. so he dragged the younger to their place instead, almost literally but midway there hyunjin himself had admitted their plans weren't exactly something he was looking forward to for whatever reason. minho didn't question it, it was none of his business.

"did i say something weird?"

"what? no" the older immediately denied, holding out the cup in front of hyunjin's face. "take it."

hesitantly the brunette took it in his own hands, knowing better than to sip it right away. instead he placed it back on the counter and leaned back. minho nearly nagged at him for sitting there, normally he would with zero hesitation but right now it just didn't seem right. minho trusted his instinct more than his habits.

"do you want to stay over then?"

"i thought—"

"i'm sure chan hyung's fine with it" minho cut him off before he could even truly think about it, surprising even himself with the invitation. but it was true, hyunjin stayed over every now and then, it was nothing new except for the fact that he was now invited by minho and not the older. minho considered texting him but then again he would probably not see the message until on his way home, they were usually too into whatever producing stuff they were doing and minho always had to chase for chan's replies whenever he needed something meantime. minho would explain himself when the time came. "he's probably coming home late anyway."

"oh" hyunjin breathed out, nervously tapping on the surface with his fingers while eyeing the tea, eventually taking a sip. "i'd text him but i left my phone at home."

minho shifted on his feet uncomfortably, his gaze landing back on the male no matter how badly he tried to look away. the awkwardness was unbearable.

"it's fine. i guess i'll just— i don't know about you but i'm heading to bed" he announced slowly, met with a small frown from the brunette.

"can i get a blanket at least?" hyunjin asked while placing the now empty mug on the counter. minho was confused just for a second before realizing, another set of unexpected decisions already made. normally if he even was to be in this situation he would be more than happy to leave the younger to sleep on the couch. now though, he wouldn't.

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