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"chan hyung..."

even if on the phone, chan had immediately sensed something was wrong when hyunjin called him in the small hours of saturday. and chan had so much rage inside him that he hid from the younger as he got behind his front door not more than half an hour later, his clothes soaked and jacket nowhere to find even if it was late fall. and chan hated himself for it, even if it wasn't really his fault. but he truly felt like it was, he had broken his promise. his promise of protecting the younger.

and hyunjin sat in the corner of the room, anxiously listening to the fierce sound of harshly pouring rain and thunder. for some people it could have been relaxing, the way the nature finally let it all out after the air had felt suffocating for days beforehand. but it wasn't that for him, for him it was still hard to breathe.

and hyunjin was hurt, that much was safe to say. chan felt helpless, slowly approaching the younger with a cup of tea, carefully placing it on the floor. and he wanted to hug the male, to pull him close and tell him that everything would be okay but he couldn't. not when it was fairly obvious he was scared of touch, despite being the more affectionate one between those two.

and there had been no words exchanged between them after the call, the silence feeling so heavy for both of them. chan didn't know what to do, feeling his heart break into pieces just by looking at hyunjin all curled up in the floor, his eyes eventually fluttering shut. and only then did chan get a big towel from the bathroom, placing it on the younger's shoulders, hoping he wouldn't get sick.

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