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minho was bored out of his mind as he stared at the messy notes he had managed to take during the lecture while texting with chan, the older having morning clear on his schedule. minho had been just a little jealous when he had left their apartment in the morning to go to the campus while chan was still asleep. but minho was happy the older could finally get his total eight hours of sleep in peace as that rarely happened.

"hey, lee minho!"

minho had an annoyed look on his features as he looked up, facing a male he didn't remember seeing before. he must have been older than minho then, probably chan's age.

"have something for me?" minho asked uninterested as he closed his notebook and harshly slammed it against the surface of the table he was sat across on the campus' couch.

"what's up with the attitude again, we should get along" the male faked a pout, taking a seat next to minho and straightening his legs on the table.

minho raised his eyebrows questioningly at that, leaning back.

"yeah? why's that?"

with his nonchalant expression he examined the tall male, all the way from his expensive-looking shoes from his hair that had been styled carefully to go along with his neat look. his whole existence screamed rich brat and minho didn't like guys like that.

"checking me out like that, like what you see, hm?"

minho gritted his teeth at that, growing impatient with the male.

"not my type, don't get too confident" he replied vaguely, catching an eyecontact with the taller. "now be a dear and leave me alone, you're already getting on my nerves."

"so moody" the male tsked. "i can see why hyunjin likes you though, you're pretty attractive for a short guy."

minho's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at that, the hidden insult not really phasing him.


and minho couldn't hide his dislike towards the male as a smirk made its way on his features when he leaned closer to minho.

"don't you really have anything better to do than to fuck around with taken guys?" he hummed. "though i can't really blame you, hyunjin really is pretty. just thought a guy like lee minho would have standards higher than dirty sluts."

"excuse me?" minho urged. "you better be joking with me."

"come on" the male laughed. "don't you think i deserve an apology, after all you told me to fuck off for being worried over my boyfriend, didn't you? isn't that just plain rude?"

and then it finally hit minho, his voice being oddly familiar the whole time. so this was the infamous boyfriend of hyunjin's.

"not really" minho tilted his head. "that's what you get for being a dickhead."

the male seemed annoyed but covered it with a tight-lipped smile.

"hyunjin let you fuck him, didn't he? i bet it was the best you've ever had for you to defend that complete waste of space like this" he spat, throwing his arm over minho's shoulders to pull him closer.

"you're not special, lee minho" he spoke under his ear. "he lets everyone have their go on him, slut is not an insult, it's just what he is. nothing more than that."

and to say minho was annoyed was an understatement as he harshly tore the male's arm off him and glared at him coldly.

"don't ever touch me again" minho hissed, snatching his notebook from the table.

"trust me, i haven't done anything. he's nothing to me" he continued. "but he's a person with his own will and dignity, give it a thought."

at that minho stood up, shoving the male's legs out of his way as he headed towards the auditorium with the male's words playing on repeat on his mind.

and it was strange because normally minho wouldn't care when he knew he had nothing to do with this and that he had done absolutely nothing wrong. others' lives were none of his business and he wouldn't interfere as he gained nothing from it and it usually made things even worse.

but for some reason minho still felt quilty, as if he was expected to do something - he just didn't know what it was. because when minho had promised to keep an eye on hyunjin this wasn't what chan had meant. minho had already fulfilled that promise, he should be totally free to live his life without giving a second thought to the male and his wellbeing. just like it had always been. because they didn't get along and like minho had said - hyunjin meant nothing to him and the only reason minho still  had to bare being around the male was because of chan.

so when later on that day on his lunch break minho wandered around the campus, it was even a surprise to himself when he found himself from the side they usually held english lectures in.

though minho rarely saw hyunjin on the campus as they had different majors and grades, he knew they had their lunch break at the same time. sometimes minho would even eat together with chan and hyunjin, though usually he would do everything to not encounter the younger unless it was completely necessary. but here he was, hoping to catch a glimpse of that tall brunette.

and he searched for him for a good while with no luck, only giving up when the lunch break was about to end, not thinking twice before texting chan on his way back to the auditorium.

a/n shorttt double update because now that i finally managed to finish the most messed up chapter (in a way ??) in this whole book i feel relieved actually weeee

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