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hyunjin thinks he might've missed seungmin more than he would like to admit. the younger is often busy with his studies, part-time jobs, family gatherings, hobbies that he takes very seriously and while hyunjin doesn't want to be on his way, of course it's not that, it still sometimes gnaws at him to the point he almost feels like bringing it up. but he doesn't, and he tries to be supportive and understanding like a good friend is but he can't help but to find it unfair at times. he finds it hard to admit that he might be just terrified of losing his friendship with the younger brunette.

right now, though, he feels calm and drowsy as he dozes off half lying on seungmin's lap (although when confronted he'd claim he's been awake the whole time) while watching the movie chan picked for them to watch. it's past midnight now and hyunjin has felt his phone vibrating in his pocket multiple times during the past two hours, sometimes even startling awake because of it, but he can't find it in himself to check who it is. he already knows. instead, he snuggles into the fuzzy blanket resting on seungmin's thighs and hums contently when the brunette's hand finds its way on his hair and plays with it mindlessly. now, if you ask hyunjin, the whole 'seungmin isn't an affectionate person' trope that has been brought up is actually bullshit. one just has to know the ropes to pull and, while still being awfully humble, hyunjin considers himself an expert in this area.

no, he's not really drunk, he's barely had any of the fourth (or fifth) drink chan got him from the fridge but he doesn't really handle alcohol that well either. it just makes him doze off pretty quick. he's not really an annoying drunkie, he's been told. he's pretty chill.

"i'm pretty sure i just heard him purr," hyunjin faintly recognizes it as minho's voice and lazily opens his eyes to briefly glare at his direction. a yawn escapes him at that and he's almost certain he hears minho laugh but the sound of it is suspiciously too fond to be him and so hyunjin comes to the conclusion that chan has just started to not sound like himself. "go to sleep, hyunjin."

"no," the brunette protests weakly, and this time it has to be seungmin who laughs, and shakes his head against the blanket. "you shut up."

"jinnie," seungmin half-scolds, half smiles, and gives his hair a gentle tug. hyunjin winces lightly at the contact and scowls as he flips himself around on his back instead, blinking up at seungmin intensely. seungmin doesn't seem to see it like that, though, considering that he merely hums and boops his nose with his index finger. hyunjin thinks there's no one who can make him feel as loved as seungmin can. "i hate to admit this but minho's got a point, let me take you to bed."

"you're staying over, right?" he confirms with a slight, childish pout that has seungmin rolling his eyes.

"of course."

"then where do i sleep?" he continues, yawning yet again. it must be the dim lighting making him this sleepy.

"in my bed?" chan suggests patiently from where he's sitting beside minho, at least the last time hyunjin bothered to check. "i'm sure seungmin can fit there too, i'll just take the couch."

hyunjin, even in state like this, doesn't think that's fair so he protests with a small whine and nudges seungmin's thigh with his chin as if hoping the younger could read his thoughts and argue with chan for him. he himself thinks he might actually fall asleep any minute now. that being said, he drifts off almost immediately after.

but luckily, seungmin does.

"no you will not," he decides and leaves no room for discussion. "minho?"

"huh?" the aforementioned male startles and frowns at the trio from the other side of the couch. "i'm not sleeping with chan, he snores like a train and takes up the whole bed." (that is, of course, based on that one single occasion he fell asleep in chan's bed while they were playing games there a few months back and he left the room in the middle of the night. he thinks it still counts.)

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