😈 An Idiot Twerp Loses a Bet (And Gets a Boyfriend out of it)

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An Idiot Twerp Loses a Bet (And Gets a Boyfriend out of it)

Ship: Sagukai
Length: Medium length, on the shorter side tho
Type: Fluff / Getting-Together

So, uh, quick little A/N here,

This was originally written as part of a larger story (an AU where Kaito was immortal and Saguru was a Grim Reaper) but uhhh I never finished it? And this was literally all I had written for it. I decided hey? Why not post this as a one-shot? because this literally had nothing to do with the main plot at all.

Anyway, I may still finish the AU book, in which case this will probably be the first chapter. Who knows, though. I certainly don't.


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"So? Which is it? Me? Or Saguru?"

Kaito shot Akako a glare. "I haven't lost yet."

"Yet," Akako repeated. "That implies you know that you will."

Kaito groaned, dropping his face into his hands. "Why did I ever agree to this?"

"Because you're a dumb-dumb. Now do you want to take the loss now, or wait until I inevitably win?"

"We wait," Kaito decided, "We wait until we see Nakamori's report. Then we find out whether I've lost or not."

Akako rolled her eyes. "Which you most certainly have."

"Lost what?"

The pair glanced over at Aoko, who was holding out a small stack of papers. Akako took them from her gleefully. "We made a bet," she said as she flicked through the pages, "on how many times your Dad would cuss at KID on his incident report."

"He can't cuss on his incident reports, no matter how much he wants to," Aoko said.

"No, but 'idiotic twerp' and 'sneaky bastard' come fairly close," Akako said, reading off the page.

Kaito tilted his head. "Bastard doesn't count as a curse?"

Akako shrugged. "Guess not."

"Well that's-"

"Doesn't matter if it counts or not, because I won." She slammed the stack of papers on the desk in front of Kaito. "Forty-two times. Can you believe that?"

"Forty-two... Damn." Kaito leaned back in his chair, squinting his eyes and crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"So, who is it? Me or Saguru?"

Aoko interrupted. "Am I missing something here?"

"Because he lost the bet, Kaito has to ask either me or Saguru out on a date."

Kaito glared again, weighing his options.

Saguru, on the one hand, was his worst enemy. His nemesis. One of only two detectives to figure out his identity as KID(the other being Conan-Kudo—whoever he was). The asshole had shown up and immediately asked Aoko on a date, which only made Kaito hate him more. (NOT because he was crushing on Aoko, which he had been accused of more than once. He saw her as a SISTER thank you very much, and dating her just seemed gross).

Akako on the other hand... Well, she was Akako. And just because he lost the bet, he wasn't going to give her what she wanted.

"Saguru," Kaito said, "I'll ask out Saguru."

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