😈 Buttercup Needs a Healthy Dose of Gay

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Buttercup Needs a Healthy Dose of Gay

Ship: Akako X Aoko

Length: Normal / Medium

Type: Getting Together

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    Hell, there's not a lot you can do when someone calls you that. Actually, yes there was. Akako would burn them like witches at Salem. Ha, the irony was gold.

    But--God--what do you do when they're right?

    Akako was a Queen now, and she'd have to ignore the yells. Her King stood beside her, smiling with a horrid slyness. That suited Akako just as well, grinning back in the same manner. There they stood, on a castle balcony above their kingdom, having just been married and reading for their honeymoon. Her King had prepared all his fastest ships for the occasion--he wanted to leave as soon as possible because ruling a kingdom was HELL.

    The crowd of citizens that had gathered for the occasion cheered beneath them. Of course, joy. Perhaps this righteous and kind Queen could knock some sense into a ruthless King.

    Oh she'd knock him up all right. With a sword. Aimed at his heart.

    All right, she planned to kill him.

    But not yet. For now she scanned the crowd, eyes grazing carelessly over each face. The people cheered, bowed, and----

    ----and then one person booed.

    Akako's eyes narrowed. "What?" she hissed. The crowd had parted around the booer, a withered old hag that bent forward at the knees.

    Magic burst to life in Akako's hands, her face wrinkling inward. "You dare insult your Queen?" she yelled.

    "You are not worthy of cheers!" The old lady hissed, "You had LOVE in your hands and you gave it up for gold?" She turned to the crowd. "It's true what I tell you--she had love alongside her and she dropped it from her fingers like garbage. And that is what she is--Queen of Garbage. Queen of Slime. Queen of Muck. Cheer, if you please, for the Queen of Cesspools. But not I, not I!"

    "Damn you!" Akako screeched, hands reaching to cover her ears but the woman wouldn't stop. She just kept getting louder and Louder and LOUDER and----

    Akako woke up screeching. A bead of sweat dripped down the side of her face, her breaths coming out shaky. Her whole body shook, moving to cradle her torso with her arms.

    She was home, right? Home, safe, and NOT married to some King with the stupidest name she had ever heard. What was it, Hogdong? Hunchdinkle?

    She snorted. "I should never have let Aoko turn on that stupid movie."

    And yet she did. She had. And now it was giving her nightmares.

    Akako did not have nightmares. She wouldn't let the filthy creatures anywhere near her. But this time--this time--

    Her guard was down. That was it. It wasn't because these were visions rather than nightmares--it was because she had shown a moment of weakness. Which wouldn't happen again, she promised.

* * *

    "Geez, Akako, I don't think I've ever seen bags under your eyes." She raised her head to glare at Kaito.

    Saguru swatted at the magician's head. "Rude."

    Kaito just chuckled. Akako glared some more. "Fuck off."

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