😈 Mew Mew~

388 15 9

Mew Mew~

Ship: Sagukai
Length: Short
Type: Fluff

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"Fucking hell," Saguru growled, storming down the street to his house, "Why MIDNIGHT??? Huh, WHY? Lunatic! Absolutely insane—" he paused his rant to kick a pebble with his foot. "Doesn't that idiot have school tomorrow? Doesn't he need sleep? Or does he magic away his tiredness as well?"

Finally arriving home, Saguru headed upstairs to his room. However, he paused and stared into the living room because -KAITO seriously what the FUCK?

Still dressed in his iconic white suit and monocle, Kaito stood in the center of the living room with not one, not two, but a full count of SIX KITTENS either in his arms or around his feet. One was even drooped over his top hat, mewling loudly.

"Um, hey, so, I kinda need some help-"

"You NEED to see a doctor, that's what you need," Saguru quipped, stepping towards Kaito and the kittens.

Kaito rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you've said that before. Thanks. Anyway, I agreed to foster some kittens, but during the heist Nakamori got hurt and has to spend the night in the hospital. That means Aoko is spending the night at my place and she's allergic to cats, SO!"

The thief stepped forward and plopped a tortoiseshell kitten into Saguru's arms, clapping his hands gleefully. "I need a place for them to stay tonight!"

"...and I was your first choice?"

Kaito nodded. "Yep! And now I'm off so Aoko doesn't notice I was gone. The kitten's care information is on the kitchen table. See you tomorrow! Ciao~"

"KAITO WAIT—" Saguru flinched back as a plume of smoke erupted from Kaito's hand, the thief having disappeared as the smoke dissipated.

Saguru stood there in silence for a moment, debating strangling the thief in the morning, but deciding not to. Murder was not a light charge.

He sighed, trudging to the kitchen and resigning himself to caring for six—SIX—kittens.

— — —

Saguru awoke the next morning to the laugh of a particularly annoying magician. He growled, taking a swipe at the thief and missing. "What do you want?" He growled.

"I came for the kittens," Kaito said teasingly, "but you seem to have taken a liking to them."

"Yeah, you aren't getting them back."

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Written: May 4th, 2020
Written by: 23belln
Word Count: 368

Oh hey also I don't think Aoko is actually allergic to cats I just made that up for plot reasons lol

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